
beats by dre studio aking an umbrella b

Sit well-found at an equipments, decorate luxury, blow to what stuff to read in the office of air condition thin breeze, Lin Zi Wen feels funny.
"I have no time now.It has been a month since semester still coulded not have, now my business also favour??".Certainly Lin Zi Wen not is hope eldest grandson Yu will teach from already.The other party position too Gao.
"So wait you to go on vacation!!".The eldest grandson Yu controls a steer device way.
Lin Zi Wen wants to don't open mouth.However the eldest grandson Yu turned a topic to open again a while:"Yi.How to is these two people again??".He slowly stop next car.Because the transportation light is getting brighter.
In the intersections, the car of another direction flows billowing forward.The car of eldest grandson Yu waits just is two in the restaurant over there see of two Human body side.This female's left hand is taking an umbrella, block 2 people now.But that shape high greatly foreign middle age man, then the hands spread one big map piece.That female stretches hand on the diagram to compare to row.Talk in English.That inside year man sees the car of in the moment intensive safety hit flow, facial expression tiny Yin.
Once Lin Zi Wen see, is understand, affirm is two other parts of country persons to arrive at Xian.The road isn't familiar.She depends nearly now and listenned to pure a few phrases, wishes, routes, location.But that young female then use English and the other party exchanges and call the other party for protect Luo.
Wish??, Will can't be seek from already of college??After listenning to several voices again, her heart in have calculate.Indeed as expected be.
Can help and then help bottom.Lin Zi Wen pushes away a car door and walked down.Use English to two humalities:"2 do you seek college of wish??".
Lin Li Ren whom 2 people in astonishment hope to come on his/her own initiative.Hoped one eye with each other, the voice of not making of the female,beats by dre studio.The vigilance ground looking at newcomer.But that foreign male then affirmation say:"YES, young lady!!".
"Oh.So can I do some help??".Lin Li Ren walks over there.Toward map to point out.The position of wish to downtown in Xian, is very be partial to.BE at east suburb.And lead two streams, although this map is big, however print very in detail.The form of written is also much small, and 2 people are again to lately arrive, the first reaction is certainly an intensive form of written place to seek.Thought of to see strange place a while there.
For a while point out a place empress.Lin Zi Wen again is order a bus up fall point and route direction.A think that the other party is a foreigner.Perhaps can't just push a bus again in this very hot day.Hence explained several locations in the lake that rent a car again.Her English calculated while comparing with a beginning to enter school advance by leaps and bounds.Because run every morning and Zhan Jin Si's madam is direct exchanges.Is flowing freely but have no Zu, listen to that repeatedly nods to the men and women.
After she finishes saying, all of two outsiders are repeatedly with gratitudes.Lin Zi Wen is then light a smile.Without extra trouble but help just.What does this calculate up.
After she leaves by car, eldest grandson Yu regrets not already:"Purple line.You learn English for several years just, so fluent, ".
"Does not arrive for a year!!".
"It is indeed as expected stronger than me.Did I learn English but use six years.And studied abroad in the English mother country for three years again!!".He also feels Lin Zi Wen a now true equal female of content.Lin Zi Wen's praise to him is to order.
But after the car drove away, Luo snow Ning opened mouth.
"Protect Luo, since understand a location.So we tomorrow go again.".
Suggest to this, Luo's hero Si didn't negate.His Yang next eyebrow.
"It is all right.".However just walking is two, he opened mouth again:"Ji Nuo, in your China.Whether ziwen this name is very familiar.".He this just thinks of.Before the car drives away, that male driver calls female of call her ziwen.
"This ……this, a bit difficult say, some names really repeat a lot.", Answer a way behind under young lady Luo Xue Ning Leng.The her left hand beats an umbrella, the right hand Wan wears Luo Jie Si's hand.Heart but the hot sun that is like mid- this June are similar to roll over fire of Zhi.
This man is mine, I can't make anyone come to rend away his.No matter is who, regardless she is what ziwen, surname what.I am very not easy to get this opportunity.I don't allow to pass.I want to die to hold tight.
In her heart to from have already ruthlessly said.Don't aware of self again the arm Wan of Luo Jie Si tight some.

70 hot summers

The second day morning, Luo's hero Si and the Luo snow Ning arrived at Mao up.It the sun haven't risen and sit to drive of the yellow rent car of the window last Mao.Rise from the Mao, air gradually become cooler is as full as water vapor.
See Mao from the Mao up, those Yans have no at plant the building in the wood is a top one of embellish in the green sea what time each color stone head.But rise from the Mao foot, on in multiple layers going up, until Mao crest.Is almost all green Yan to have no.That Mao foot is the Jia ground of village, Mao waist place the hybrid area that is those to keep soil erosion from planting wood and farmland.
Hope to go from the distance, the loess Mao that is signed to east suburb is like a throw on is green to pack of mountain range, not steep, however make people enjoy to please the eye very much.The thick black lines similar asphalt highway came out last cent from the lord trunk highway.Then keep tying up up.Want green China Times of eyeful concealed now.
All the way Luo Jie Sis are all silent language not, he didn't conjecture the foreign country village of surroundings flash across, also have no interest talk, be like this depend in the seat.The facial expression is so quiet and has no one silk facial expression.He is that double of to cut the good hand put on the knee.
Luo snow Ning is to don't talk.In the air flows in the Si Si the car slowness opens ascend equal ratio quiet in normal times many Maos.Only through that college of wish, Luo Jie Si just expresses the appearance that has just a little tiny interest to those shallow color building in the silent campus, some students take a stroll in the campus.
The car sends to their wish campus door to outside come to a stop.After Luo snow Ning paid car money, she discovers that Luo's hero Si is visiting eyes four attend to, imitate not to believe from really have already left several 1000 kilometers in Shanghai already.Already the fact of body place an unfamiliar inland city.
"Protect Luo!!".She beat hello.2 people relate to now a bit delicate.
"Do not go in??".She says that the beautiful Ying Ying ground hopes him.
"H'm.Leave!!".Young lady Luo Xue Ning wants to live his Wan, but he jumped the gun to walk into.Ms. Luo Leng after the bottom, also hurriedly heel go up.
The campus of summer is again a morning, the green tree embarks on a journey in the campus, and the air seems to be very delightfully fresh.Looking at clear is two outsiders to come in, those students who nearby pass by from they also the agent slightly see one eye, don't bother as well.
Today is Sunday, didn't have a class in the campus.Young lady Luo Xue Ning and Luo's hero Sis soon found out transacting of school authority place.That is opposite independence for spend the 3 F blue several-storied building that the tree partitions.Transact place for the first floor, pushing away the very thick glass door be.The staff member of that on duty sees to he is just go to work, sit upright after office desk, the Fu is on the paper noodles painting what.
See someone come over, he hurriedly will stop to set down on paper.Luo Jie Si's Chinese be still not too the Chang flow, hence he directly uses English inquiry.However that on duty staff member understand a half, hence young lady Luo Xue Ning weighed to say 1 time again.
"Check to manage a Sir is to ask you, have a person who nameds ziwen wood in your school at??Check to manage a Sir to seek him to occupy??".
"Lin Zi Wen??".That staff member is a young person, a listen to be open a mouth to smile.
"Have, certainly have.However this time only afraid she isn't in the school.However her form master at in, you a seek her understand!!".Then he a room beside the dynasty compared a signal.
2 visits to go in.The Qian person, who discovers blue light Shan of young dress, is holding a heap of document, under way copies.The voice that hears an outside, she stops descend at hand work, it is Chu's smiling face to introduce myself.
After coming up to shake hands with guest to say hello, then she just starts to ask two purposes.
On hearing to is to seek Lin Zi Wen, her taste Related articles:

