
cheap beats by dre mer Hou 惇 die in bat

Chapter 786 Cao Wei's reaction
Young child Luo of the great commander soldier Luo's sun just at south the city meet a sting, this news in short half month, have already got about the whole big river south north, the everyone various Hous all get this news, momentary, various guess of each kind at Central plains up and down spread.But at inside these three cities, east county, Peng city and wide Ling's these rumors spread terribly more, on the avenue almost no one dare to take a stroll.
In the Wei Hou mansion of the east county city, the Cao holds after getting this news, momentary the text minister that called oneself under the debt force will, negotiate inside the hall at the argument matter.Lookinging at to sit down is public, the Cao held Yang to write the brocade of full intelligence report in the Yang hand, and the bitterness said with a smile:"According to this intelligence report, young child Luo of Luo's sun is meeting a sting in the south, is already get confirmation!But Luo just current life and death but temporarily have no from know!Does various Mr. think what influence this matter will have?"
The words sound that the Cao holds just fell and sat down public then started whispering, everyone 23 in groups, low voice discussed this matter, Cao's holding to pour don't also say what, just looking at public the appearance discussing didn't talk.Don't see the Cao hold to superficially calm down very much, can actually, the Cao hold the headache disease at the moment and made, the whole head is all dull pain.If not that the Cao holds to living Xing to be eager to do well in everything, Be not willing to express own flabbiness in front of subordinate, only afraid the Cao hold early painful must yell!
Certainly, these also all only the Cao hold oneself to know and sat down those subordinates to respectively discuss a short moment and would be to together brush ground to calm down down and would be Xun 彧 to start to say first:"Son Luo of Luo's sun is meeting a sting, this matter no trivial matter!After Luo's sun occupies Yu state and Yang state, the world has already been calm a decade!At the beginning the reason Luo's sun will choose pullout of troops, but have never taken advantage o to win to make track for shot, mainly is preparing what shortage result in!At present after these ten years, Luo's sun necessarily can't delay any more to keep on postponing!Luo is meeting a sting, at the right moment gave Luo the sun to provide such a lend!Once believe not how long, Luo's sun then will launch an attack with this!To this, lord Mr. should as early as possible do to guard against be!"
The words of Xun 彧 immediately got one support of text minister of helping, certainly, among them not include Xu Shu and department Ma Yi Liang people at inside.Xu Shu from have already been held by the Cao before very early promote for the under charge of first bag of wisdom, position as early as Xun 彧 on, wasn't likely to echo the opinion of others to the words of Xun 彧 naturally.And department Ma Yi although because in those early years make a surprise attack Chang-an it accounted failure, and had Sun he at Cao position within Wei, he was a wisreally er who was no more lousy than Xu Shu, so can't literally express own opinion, either.
But another part, but the Cao Ren is a station to start and hold to embrace a boxing to drink a way to the Cao:"Lord male!The end will think, this time it could be opportunity!Luo is meeting a sting, Luo's sun is necessarily furious, affirmation will adjust to gather by that time west battalion Qin!In this way, west Qin's direction by all means will appear loophole, lord Mr. can opportunity to take advantage of this, sneak attack west Qin, perhaps can have an unexpected function!"The suggestion of Cao Ren signed a horse to would be to get one stem force will of agree with, after summer Hou 惇 die in battle at the last county, the Cao Ren also becomes the force of Cao house and the summer Hou in home tallest post will, solemnly being a Cao the Wei is many its head.So the words of Cao Ren always can get Cao the Wei is many will of support, but is force will, hope to open hostilities naturally, ascend battlefield to kill an enemy to have a great achievement, Cao Ren of of suggestion can be treated as the intention that is matching them.
For the words of the Xun 彧 and the Cao Ren, the Cao holds but is to don't express any opinion, poured isn't the suggestion that he doesn't approve Xun 彧 and Cao Ren, but the Cao in nowadays holds headache of severe, basically listen to not to enter public say what.The Cao finally holds to endure painful, move vision to Xu Shu and department Ma Yi, this several in the last yearses, the age holding along with the Cao is more and more old, energy is before being also greatly not equal to, so is also more and more depend on Xu Shu and department Ma Yi these two wisers.
See the vision that the Cao holds move to come over, Xu Shu and department Ma Yi saw one eye mutually, then knowing could not continue again silent, took charge of Ma Yi first to lightly cough several voices first, took Xun 彧 as the representative's text minister and with Cao Ren for the representative's force will be stop next dispute, concentrate visions all at department Ma Yi Shen up.They know that even if is that they quarrel the smallpox fall to indiscriminately, as long as Xu Shu and department Ma Yi negated their viewpoints, that basically has no a drama.
Took charge of Ma Yi Wei to order to nod, immediately would was to hold an arch hand to say to the Cao:"Lord male!Belong to next think, initial task, should be to check clearly, actually is who send of the assassin assassinate Luo positive!Obviously, this backstage manipulator not is come from our Cao Wei, that affirms is come from Liu Bei or Sun Quan!As long as found out this, told Luo the sun it, think come, Luo's sun can't certainly blame on a third party male at the lord!"
Take charge of the words said by Ma Yi, signed a horse to would be to arouse Cao Ren to wait one stem force will of disaffection, the great commander text sitting on the Cao Ren after death is ugly metal gray a face, hum a way:"The words that take charge of adult horse, some listen to uncomfortablely!Will we thus beg like a dog toward Luo's sun?If such, also not as to heart's content as pain quick and west Qin fight a , even if is dead, that is also dead it!"
For the words of ugly text, department Ma Yi but is to the slightest and inattentively smile to smile, say:"The text general misunderstanding was in the next meaning!Go the soldier's way, match wits to descend for ascending, matching strength for!If persistently of Dou the brave Dou is malicious, just fell under multiply by!At under put forward, find out a backstage manipulator, reveal Qin to the west, not is to try to please Luo's sun, but for the sake of better deal with west Qin!BE descending and ask general, if you are Luo's sun, suddenly know, assassinate a Luo positive murderer, Liu Bei, you should how?"
The text is ugly to want to don't think, directly would be an answer of way:"This also uses to say, if I am Luo's sun, know that the murderer that assassinate my son is Liu to have, certainly is to to the utmost begin the next battalion, keep taking Xu Zhou!Have Liu to grasp out from the Peng city, revenge for my son!"
"Is quite good!"Taking charge of Ma Yi to drink one is colourful, the Mi has eyes, and lightly the Le wears his/her own beard and says:"Is exactly such!As I see it, Luo sun knee the bottom totally have two the sons are one female, among them, eldest daughter Luo's month has been already got married, marry of the person is Guo Jia's sub- Guo Yi!But eldest son Luo Gan at present just at Chang-an, gradual catcher west governmental affairs Qin, but Luo sun heart in most for love deeply of, is that the young child Luo who meets a sting is positive!Luo is meeting a sting at present, Luo's sun necessarily the anger hate that parties person to assassinate a Luo positive person, and will exterminate at all costs this person, is revenging for Luo!Is positive such as the general of Cao Ren talk, thus, west Qin's troops necessarily will take place tremendous fluctuation, so and first, , always perfect work western defense line Qin will also appear loophole!This is exactly main male sneak attack west Qin's exquisite opportunity!"
Listen to department Ma Yi so on saying, all of owners are an ones Hua however, have never thought to take charge of Ma Yi at last and unexpectedly is the opinion that agreed with Cao Ren!However the Xun 彧 waits once the wiser listen to, know, department Ma Yi's opinion isn't to agree with Cao Ren, regardless is at plan of the detail be still just preparing to work up, take charge of Ma Yi's opinions all more in detail!If is according to the suggestion of Cao Ren, that plan necessarily fails undoubtedly, can take charge of Ma Yi fore the noodles added such a premise, signing a horse to would be to let the whole plan become can go!
However the words that only take charge of Ma Yi obviously can not also move Cao to hold, the Cao holds to have a headache desire crack now, any basically unable to do judgment, finally move vision to nearby of Xu Shu is asking for Xu Shu's opinion,cheap beats by dre.Xu Shu lowered the head to deliberate a short moment, finally was also Ma Yi's suggestion that is tiny to nod, at last agree a department.See Xu Shu nod, the Cao holds this be loosenned tone, the right hand tapped on the thigh several bottom, then straight waist plank, say:"I have already decided that press, Wu!!"
The words that the Cao holds haven't finished saying, once the sudden facial expression change, that arrives a mouth side of words but can not speak any further, the double eyes are one Zheng, that cold sweat in a twinkling would is as raining leaked out from his forehead.Is close behind, the Cao holds to would be in the or so and public surprised noise of shouting and bellowed a , the Yang noodles kept on pouring.
Thus sudden mishap, but is to make present owners all silly an eye, was apart from Cao to hold recent Xu Shu to get a fright, flurried jumped Cao to hold nearby, a hand to have Cao to hold, loudly shout a way:"Lord male!Lord male!You come to!Lord male!"
"Father!""Father!"Meanwhile, it is several to also is to ring out the surprised noise of shouting, the Cao holds of a few sons, the eldest son Cao is proud, second son Cao Pi and three son Caoses are ornamental with four son Caos plant to all hold toward the Cao this place rushed toward to come over.The Cao rises an arrows step arrived to Cao to hold nearby, list the knee kneel down, similar to Xu Shu call the Cao holds of name, Cao Pi and Cao plant to then directly rush toward at the Cao hold of body up, simultaneously yell Cao to hold of name, simultaneously cry bitterly.A Cao of military dress is been ornamental the Cao holds of nearby and back and forth walk around, urgently must is to prepare for a fight, but hard put is good.
"Wu!"Led a short moment, in the middle of publically call a voice, the Cao held to slowly open eyes and saw an eye round at circumferential public, is the face that sees the Cao rising first, see Cao proud at this kind of time, on the face although is anxious, but have no fluster, have the breeze of atmosphere, peeped out to endorse on the face of facial expression.Turn and again saw that flank urgently must jump the Cao of feet ornamental, have no just a little a wrinkly, however soon again is loose open, a face helplessly smiles an idea, the Cao manifests an and wish be great commander soldier, this has a city mansion, also wasn't very importance!
The Cao finally holds of the vision fell Cao Pi and Cao crying bitterly on oneself to plant, flash across of face one silk Nu idea, drink a way:"Have not I died!You are also needless to cry a funeral for me!"
The Cao holds so on roaring, Cao Pi and Cao plant is also gave to get a fright, signed a horse to would be to retreat several steps, Cao's planting to pour was simply, once the tears put on and then no longer cried.It is that Cao Pi to pour, although be held by the Cao to call down, can face worthy of a look tears nasal discharge but is to keep flowing, how also cannot stop!When Cao held some Pis that reluctantly stared an eye Cao to plant, hoped toward the Cao later on although still the plank wear face, eye in is gleamed one silk warm.The Cao holds the variety on the face the quickest, the most people didn't see, however stand beside of department Ma Yi was a little bit tiny to nod, seem as if deep in thought.
Sway sway head, may be feel own headache just a little like some, the Cao holds this just proud hand bottom with the Chan of Cao Pi in the Cao the station slowly start, to public say:"The my body is a bit unwell, pour is let the everybody frighten!Good!Just the matter of argument, pressed the Zhong reach talked do!"Finish saying, the Cao held to flick to wave hand and woulded be in two sons Chan to hand under, left argument matter hall.And public is also together all figure that holds toward the Cao voice to sing Re.
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