
cnn in the hospital of t

The certificate just believes this youth to really is Zhang Meng Qin's student.
Zhu Si once connected library card, favour way"thanks, teacher Xie."
"Teacher Zhang, teacher Xie, do I want to go in and see to is all right now?"
Zhang Meng Qin just rise and Xie Lou's chat, right away way:"Like, but want to remember time, don't be too late."
Zhu Si walked into right away.
Chapter 26 reads
Walking to the inside is the bookcase of a row row, up put full book, in the center put some long tables in the bookcase, don't want to go out of at in read., Zhu Si arrives at the third floors to just find out a calculator book and hurriedly walked past.
See calculator book very abundant, had four bookcases, at least up to thousand, but Zhu Si also ignores so many, start to see from the foundation book first.See hardware first, he knows that the calculator includes hardware and software, but the software is hardware- based, there is no hardware, the software is again very also useless.
Time leads very quickly, he finishes seeing of the book is also 1 origin to connect a , until he hears someone shouting him and just discovering that the whole 3 F didn't have a person.
It is to thank a dew to shout his, she didn't see with 2 Zhang Meng Qins for a long time, the female kid together has the topic to say to don't finish and saw quickly at 10:30 and just made Zhang Meng Qin wait her for a while, she has been downwards walking from the loft, seeing someone hasn't walked and then reminded for a while, at close the door.Arrived the third floors to see Zhu Si still over there.
Zhu Si this just knows the color of the sky very late, puts back the bookcase to the book right away, and then chooses how many books want to take, arrive at the first floor together with Xie Lou, Zhang Meng Qin sees him still just"how didn't°yet you walk?Your school should close the door into not to go now, you sleep tonight where?"
Zhu Si pours doesn't matter, where literally sleep to all go for a nights, oneself's ID card also had, not afraid the hotel don't accept.
"Literally arrive which guest house sleep for a night calculate."
"You ah...., You sleep in the outside I how to trust and calculated you to my house and sleep for a night."Zhang Meng Qin thoughts of Ji of some time is still not big, and is again what oneself takes out come, oneself is after all his teacher, afraid his a person at outside have an accident.
"Not too convenience, I still oneself think a way calculated" Zhu Si doesn't want to bother other people.
"I the home house is very big, only have me with my grandpa, the nothing important is inconvenient.You wanted really at the outside what matter, I tomorrow how lead to hand over to treat to the Peng class, agree verbally so."
"Xie Lou tonight I didn't arrive your dormitory to go to, the opportunity to seek went again next time."
Or Zhu Si carries Zhang Meng Qin and listen to her point out and arrive at a small area and see the doorway stands guard of isn't a public security, but armed police, Zhu Si its in the mind thinks this teacher Zhang's home is what person, there is armed police in the doorway stand guard, see Zhu Si old to go toward toward that armed police, Zhang Meng Qin at behind explanation way"my grandpa is a troops in of, retired now, here live basically is the person in the troops, be regarded as half militarized unit."
Arrive at her home, really very big, the structure of four the rooms two halls, come in to sit an old man in the living room is watching television, see Zhang Meng Qin's way"piano son, you not is say not to come back to sleep?"
"I have a student, the tonight has no a place to sleep afraid his a person at outside have an accident, bring back him come."
Old man this just sees Zhu Si, Zhu Si its favour call way"the grandpa is good."
Old man's favour makes him sit, Zhang Meng Qin went to his/her own room and walked first to speak first"grandpa, you are two to chat a meeting first, I take a bath to change body clothes."
The old man is Zhang Ai Hua, a full general before retiring, what Central Military Commission backs down, originally could lead old age in Peking, but he is south Chang person, and own close relatives all in the other parts of country, a person didn't want as well to return to over there south Chang, and own granddaughter originally also passed in examination in the Nanking south Chang university, he here a little bit noisy.
The old man grows dignitily, long occupy place of honor to contain a vehemence of place of honor, in the beginning Zhu Si how still not habit, but Zhang Ai Hua may be seldom with other people chat, start to ask him some domestic lives a small matter, he just slowly normal.
A pair person chats very eagerly, Zhang Ai Hua is at south Chang also nothing important friend, have of only have subordinate, chatting them with them will control very much, and Zhu Si, listen to Zhang Ai Hua speak young walk the south rush the northern combat career still has everywhere of strange smell a different matter, he also listens to happily.In fact sometimes the aged not need much care, also not need too big material to enjoy, only someone can listen to them several loquaciouses at ordinary times, which afraid not to speak to listen to and then go on the side.
Zhu Si chatted a short while to see with Zhang Ai Hua the old man have a little exhausted, and often and by hand massage a stomach department, know to check his condition with the feeling, discovered that the problem is still many, the stomach department breaks of fierce, he also not know a medical term, in fact this is the stomach cancer, the old man also knows to live to not much grow by himself[herself], and heart also not how like, jump about very slowly, block in blood vessel also fierce, say to Zhang Ai Hua:
"Grandpa, the your body isn't so good, not be talking more.I barely understand medical skill, not I see for you."
", Can not see clearly you to still understand to cure, I this was the chronic ailment, young in the troops, eat and separate of, sometimes beat ambuscading of Japanese ghost, is also a matter often while having no rice continuously for several days, arrive old just know that the body didn't go, I also cure in the hospital of this disease not good, can wait to die Luo" Zhang Ai Hua pours is see of open,google, once experienced to living life and death dead so more, can be calm to face for dying him.
But don't think as well cold the enthusiasm of Zhu Si, still the handle knob stretched his in front.
"Grandpa, your stomach department is very serious, and your heart and blood vessel are also not so good!"
"BE ah, these are still stomach cancer and heart attack to have high blood pressure, unexpectatively you this young man still have several cents the skill of!"
"The grandpa didn't be kidding, what I said was true, if you believe me, and I want to cure to you."Zhu Si's its teachings.
"All right, me this body the old bone do for you to experiment" Zhang Ai Hua still keep not too believing him.
"I need a few needles to your acupuncture, but my body ascends to have no now, I tomorrow bring over here"
"This my pouring here is to have, my health care the doctor put 1 set at me here, I bring over here for you."Zhang Ai Hua's medicine ate a lot, how much famous doctor all let him once saw as well, but still had no too great way to the cancer now.
Zhu Si makes the old man lie on the sofa and unties blouse, because the home opened an air condition to pour to also be not afraid of and catch a cold, the old man shone on and did one by one, he just considers as a game to this.
Zhu Si puts needle on his acupuncture points of stomach department surroundings, the hands slowly turn needle tail, in fact his true the spirit have already got into his body,cnn, true spirit get into Zhang Ai Hua's stomach department, Zhu Si feels up have a lot of germ with specially strong activitieses is breaking stomach wall, he slowly true spirit be divided into a lot ofs, one is responsible for a piece of district and use germ true spirit wrap up, strengthen true spirit of squeeze strength, make germ die, literally send into large intestine, make them able to eject a body.
Zhang Ai Hua also feels a stomach department very comfortable at this time,Facebook, seem someone is in the body to his massage similar, but know at this time not talk can endure as well.
The germ of stomach department is a lot of, Zhu Si loses into of true spirit also more and more, share out the work and cooperate with one another on going in, clean up the germ of stomach department each district time and time again, until could not felt a germ to just take back true spirit.
At this time flower of time is a lot of, nearly 40 minutes, Zhu Si is also big full head sweat, never so tired, control several 100 up to thousand the movement really annoying aren't tired just strange.He a little bit takes off the felling of dint and takes back needle, old love China wore good blouse to stand.
"Take charge of it, your acupuncture still really has 1 set, I feel now the stomach department is much better, have no ache of feel, just have a little there suffered."
Zhu Si depend on the sofa way"your stomach department break very seriously, adjust reason to come over to be good friends with long a period of time, my etc. will open for you again square son, make to order to care a tablet to take."
Zhang Meng Qin also took a shower to come out at this time and saw 2 people chat very happily, sit to Zhang Ai Hua"grandpa, you chat of how."
Zhang Ai Hua's way"your this student is quite good, we chat very a speculation, and he still understands a medical skill and just gives me the acupuncture for a while, and I feel fit now."
"Really?Grandpa, your facial expression has a liking for to go to also like a lot of."The surprise way of Zhang Meng Qin.
"Zhu Si, unexpectatively you also cure illness, my grandpa's disease can cure Related articles:

