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Is black to walk faster.
"While reaching Su, returning to Anne doesn't forget the pair of things that the road up discover and intactly bring back for me and also have and look after good Su for me thin."Mo Yan Chou loudly of reach Su to order toward Anne.
"Your order over?"Is rare airtight to ask Mo Yan Chou, rare airtight let to there is almost no energy on the body that Mo Yan Chou embraces now.
"Like, we hurriedly leave!"Mo Yan Chou hurriedly towards rare airtight say.The old black beginning ran road, go forward of speed at 1:00 also the unlike horse is slow, and the geography of the whatever kind all ability such as Lyu flat ground of past.
Mo Yan of the breeze Xun's worrying doesn't aware of self of will rare airtight embrace more of tight.The head also leaned on rare airtight shoulder up, the male's smell seriously infringes upon rare airtight mind and body, luckily now the speed of the old black headway soon, the breeze lets rare airtight can also keep awake state of mind.
The time in evening, unexpectedly have already rushed through 2/3 of roads, two people at a comparison back breeze of the place take a rest down, what to eat is to walk of time, rare airtight 1:00 taking barbecue and a pot of water.
Sleeping of time, two personal everybody bounded with a blanket, then depended in the old black body lain prone and then slowly gotted into dreamland, the time in midnight, Mo Yan Chou drive flank of action to make awake, seeing rare airtight will bind at the blanket on the body to roll, the positive hands embraced body, still just there asleep feel.Stretch out a hand, will rare airtight embrace into own bosom, then cover together two people's blanket, Mo Yan Chou again got into dreamland, in a daze medium, he felling rare airtight by hand and tightly feel own of waist, but the head then sticks own chest.Then sleep past.
"!"A voice of super decibel will don't talk sorrow to wake up with a start.
"How?"Mo Yan Chou by hand crumples to deliver sour eyes and ask rare airtight.
"You, you yesterday, unexpectedly embrace me to go to bed!"It is rare airtight to by hand point at Mo Yan Chou to say.
"Boon, yes, you arrived blanket Deng last night the part went to, so I hugged you to went to bed!"The innocence of Mo Yan Chou's saying.
"But, but."But along while, rare airtight also have no but come out why.
"Go, went, originally still felt sleepy meeting, drive you so on making, cannot sleep as well.
Forget it!"Mo Yan Chou climbed, then arrived river bank to seek point water and started washing face to gargle.
"But, slept very comfortablely last night!"It was rare airtight to finally suppress out a words, but almost have never give°ed Mo Yan Chou to suffocate.
"What's the matter with you?"Rare airtight part clap for Mo Yan Chou a back, part concern of ask."Be free, just gargled, drive water purine wrote, !"Mo Yan Chou says."You are really a discard, garglings can suffocate."A words that is in brief rare airtight, again let Mo Yan Chou to spicy a cough get up.
After the farce that passed by to rise early, time wait to again set out, Mo Yan Chou feels rare airtight of time, rare airtight also had no yesterday's felling.
By noon, two people finally rush through and returned to forget a small town.
See Mo Yan worry back, all people all faced up.
"Adult!"The Clark sees Mo Yan after worrying, direct list the knee kneel down.
"You what is this a stem?"Mo Yan Chou hurriedly will get up carat carat, but the Clark insists be don't get up.
"Please punish me, all of the affairs this time are what my a persons take the lead do, so inviting you don't blame him!"The Clark immediately after says.
The regrettable words just finished saying, Mo Yan Chou hadn't talked and shouted of all the list knee knelt down to ask for pardon.
"You what are all of this a stem?Have I already said and punished you?"Mo Yan Chou can loudly ask these people.
"Adult!Don't you punish us?"The Clark raise a head, was full of asking of surprise in the eye Mo Yan Chou,cnn.
"Did I say?"Mo Yan Chou smiling all overly asks this at the earliest stage and then haded been following behind ownly will get, then by hand hand for Chan he again, behind of the person also all followed to start to stand to consume in succession" but adult, those emperors all comer."The Clark hesitates of ask Mo Yan Chou.
"I come back so quickly, be handle this affair of, you handle very good, supported us to forget Huang original dignity!The face that didn't throw me, the affair of underneath, is solved by me."
These under charges Mo Yan Chou loudly towards his/her own the under charges to say, after listenning to, is all full is a smiling face on everybody's face.
The affairs takes the lead this time of severals will get, is all more than ten individuals who followed behind Mo Yan Chou at the earliest stage in of, this also showed they now and don't talk sorrow is already a complete common body.
"Where do you get lord adult?I want to see him!Treat me unexpectedly and like this!You wait dead!"A jangle spread into Mo Yan Chou's ear, unfortunately and outside of warrior basically not to the opportunity that he comes in.
"Let him come in!"Mo Yan Chou says to own food for powder.
Heard ownly get the lord adult hair words, these soldiers also stepped aside a passage, let this Zha, the officials in Kyoto come in.
"Are you Mo Yan Chou?The son of that disloyal minister?"On coming in to see Mo Yan Chou this officials loudly of say, while seeing rare airtight, severity then color color of.
"I am Mo Yan Chou, also the son of the disloyal minister of your mouth inside!"Mo Yan Chou is black the face is long to this a see little some what of the city officer say.
, To, is the breathing of a little bit little man.Mo Yan Chou in mind says, did oneself meet freak?
"Your under charge unexpectedly rushes through to take a person to lay siege to me, you say that how to handle this affair."This officer's hands in the city stand with arms akimbo of say to Mo Yan Chou" you say how?"Mo Yan Chou's facial expression is more getting blacker.
"In brief, as long as you let they to my few Keses, then also have you after death as for that girl that want me grasping of this girl to me, that this affair even if don't take place."Officer in the city's tone is still really enough big.
The persons of surroundings all loudly reprimand angrily to this city officer, officer in the city also a trace of fear.But this time, but Mo Yan Chou is the smiling face of full face.Yang Yang hand, surroundings all calmness come down.
"Go, call a kind of insect Ya."Mo Yan Chou orders to the warrior of flank."Adult, you!"The Clark concussion says, but is give°ed the words of behind by Mo Yan Chou's one eye to stare into belly an inside.
"Hum, hum, calculate you to know elephant, wait I to return to, thoroughly speak a few lines good words to you."This city officer happily says.A short while a kind of insect the Ya be taken to come over, full face lookinging at of angry expression Mo Yan Chou.
And Mo Yan Chou tooked a look this to like with oneself before, woman broke up again afterwards, in the eye also full is a complicated air."You make me come over, what is up?"A kind of insect Ya tone not and kindly asks Mo Yan Chou.
"I make you come out to enjoy a play, you go to and rare airtight drama together seeing a went."Mo Yan Chou stabilized own the emotion for a while, gently say to a kind of insect Ya.
Is rare airtight the obedient ground pulled a kind of insect Ya to old blackly and nearby.
Then Mo Yan Chou smilingly toward this city officer to say:"If, if I would not like to?"

Volume 2:Chapter 176 of the second step development exerts pressure
Renew time:2009-10-1011:23:02 chapter word numbers:3195

"Hum, if you don't promise, that waits I to return to tell you one form, when the time comes, you can not eat Dou to walk."This city officer continues attitude to arrogantly say."Ha ha, that you tell!Empire which in stipulate, officer in the city canned literally be getting to rob wealth and properties inside the main territory, sons and daughters?And, tell you very unfortunately, you rob of still my woman."Mo Yan Chou waits eyes to looking at this city officer.
"You, your blah, this is only a slave."Officer in the city still keeps toughly saying.
"Hum, namely Related articles:

