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Rise the work department receive the diagram paper of those special buildings, there is also the grade to make sure to promote which city, but the patron saint monster of city from want soldier's department to receive.
Three of our special buildings are all demanded by the eldest brother go to two, leaves for us a , because we own of the special building have already had quite a few, and eldest brother of thou resist Long Tang quite a few city but an also have no, therefore he we three special building place names sum all want to go, while the condition is that set of and return us in the article absolute being machine gold A suit, moreover I have already got of those nine days, gold silkworm dress also completely returns me all, these bargains that originally pressed the before the event are to return theirs, stay now a have already been getting more quite good for us, and that gold A they also don't , however leave of those list piece absolute being machine, and other suits pack all drive eldest brother eldest sister-in-law they want to go,Beats By Dre In Ear, on the contrary some materials and medicine all stay to we.
That special building of ours will city monster tower in town, although we have already had a , that is to put at east door in the sky in, and sea city in the town inside have no,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, these special building inside again have no an other specially okay, so is simply to want city monster tower in a town to set up a town by that time of go in sea city, can promote the defense of sea city in the town like this, we promote grade ground at the same time the building is also sea city in the town, directly promote sea city in the town don't govern the right of taking care of other cities for super city, however this super city just many many canning constuct of new constructing, .
Threes that the eldest brother wants are special and construct then respectively is a life fairy the idol carve, fight fairy idol and carve and the intelligence fairy idol carve, three special the buildings is all building that promotes player real strenght, have never put great emphasis on ground in the city and defendoof, here noodles one explain they thou resist Long Tang already strong to let generally no matter the player gang asks for them, while some large gangs then also own a city by himself/herself, generally also ignore attackstone another large gang ground indiscriminately city, otherwise lead to make reprisals loss is also very big.Eldest brother's promoting the city of grade in the city is inside in the bottle gourd valley is that first city, is also the main city place that the thou resists Long Tang.After leaving a work department, we immediately went soldier's department again, we still have a city patron saint monster, with eldest brother they thou resist Long Tang's a city to guard a fairy monster main theme to take.The city guards a monster to work properly monster class, fairy monster class, evil monster class and the absolute being monster class 4 kinds for cent and work properly monster class to need four among them class then the above city can settle, the fairy monster class' needing then a x-rated above city can settle, evil monster class' needing then a second class above city can settle, the absolute being monster class needs one class then the above city can settle, while these categories that guard a monster also have a lot, however more and deluxely guard the choice of monster more little, be like the absolute being monster class 10 only can choose.
We are from ten absolute being monsters won election to choose an among those at the naval battle compare gains and losses of in response to the dragon, it belonged to eastern Long Zu's 1 kind, however grew a pair of wings, owned the ability that the mountain poured sea of turned over, used to garrison sea city in the town is had better however, its grade is 500 classes, also was regarded as the real strenght of super BOSS class, compared the absolute being Long Cheng's castellan, the real strenght can still want Gao Chu many.
Eldest brother they choose of although the fairy monster is more than us many in choosing category, owning up to thousand can choose,go up to choose a guarding of not equal to absolute being monster class monster in the quality, total ratio have no of good, what they choose is a breeze tiger, a kind of fairy monster that owns breeze to fasten ability, the grade real strenght also owns the real strenght of 400 classes and compare with the general player has to be much stronger, even if I want to deal with it, my a person perhaps also not deal with, even a not and very also can not deal with it.
The choice over city guards a monster, we run to the Li department to go together again, I still want to re- receive an officer who protect general dragon to take, and eldest brother their official positions just promoted oneself official position and had no again drive another line of grant, however they can also receive the officer of current official position to take, after all those officers take how much also have the function like some privilege.
After getting an officer who protect general dragon to take, and then let to danced them to envy a to turn over indiscriminately, because this officer take general the officer take than the previous tiger wing more handsome and more good-looking, and top the supplementary function contain better effect, this officer takes to also fold to return to an original material at the same time on, this is the advantage of the general biggest what officer took, however my this officer takes last aureole effects, compare with that gold A to will differ a lot, is owning to fold the effect for adding so much, again compare can not fold gold AN adding to have to be much better, if take this officer again fold to add on gold A, better, regrettable gold A to me, the function didn't give indiscriminately and dance their well, so gold A finally returns to disorderly dance, arriving the function on his body will be aer little bit big than other person, while that relief of mine recognizes lord empress of sky the resisting locking dress also gave a disorderly dance.Make like this the real strenght of disorderly dance promote a lot again, now if I need not sorcery attackstone of words, and can the disorderly dance also not necessarily win him than putting together, this lets Tyrannosaurus they envied well for a long time, who let their real strenght can not win against disorderly dance, the good thing certainly needs to use the best place.

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The text grand prospects Ba industry difficult few heroses exert chapter 642 gang to expand to recruit
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Grand prospects Ba industry the difficult few heroses exert chapter 64 gang to expand to recruit
After leaving an emperor a city, we logged out to take a rest all day long, we traverse the main members of Xuan country villa to all come together at the castellan mansion of sea city in the town in, sea city in the town at this time has already become super lord city, and the patron saint monster also falls door in the sea city of town in response to the dragon.
"Eldest brother, I now is also 100 class superior."Once the Tyrannosaurus go into the city a lord mansion and immediately called toward me, voice very big, ask for simultaneously is saying the color dress of whisper they are a bit not happy, immediately glare at, however Tyrannosaurus this guy unexpectedly and completely takes no cognizance it.Doing not think as a result can know, the Tyrannosaurus immediately got to suddenly and violently beat, but began of person but isn't a color dress they, but follow one's inclinations them, who let their grades leave 99 classes to have a few grades still, now Tyrannosaurus still just here greatly blow to blow especially, don't make them in the mood for to see just strange.
"Hope a month, now our grade real strenght of the brothers of gang inside probably at what extent,Beats by Dre BMW?"I didn't realize a Tyrannosaurus, anti- toward hoping a month only the purine ask a way, for the affair in the gang, I understand a ground of circumstance to also didn't Tyrannosaurus they are many, none of a lot of affairs clear, need to inquire to hope a month only purine, the affair in the gang has been what he takes care of, so he is also most know.
Hope a month only purine to hear after my inquiry and immediately speak such as the similar surging endorsement:"Now our Ling Xuan country villa the member totally has 368 people, among them, the male player is 336, 32 female.Grade at 100 class above of include eldest brother for only 5 people you, also have is disorderly to dance and are old for thousand years demon and just completed 100 class toll-gate tasks of Tyrannosaurus, Long Yin, all and China mainland also we here five still had a thou to resist Long Tang of consumedly elder brother and consumedly two sisters-in-law.However the whole game server also many several 100 class players, however the number combines not much.Basically each mainland at most also 12 just, and whole just rise up recently ground.And 95 more above, there are many 32 people, at all and China 95 classes in the mainland above player, our gang in had quarter, roar sky, follow one's inclinations them all in this layer, as long as again do a few tasks, can also pound at the toll-gate task of 100 class toll - gates.But the of 90-95 classes have 118 people, more than 85 classes contain 197 people and leave of several all because occupation relation or don't like a person who do the class.However our gang average grade still far away leading other gangs, this probably only orders so a person to have relation with our gang."
Our gang now only 368 people, certainly before not only this piece, only for letting gang more the Jing do, I let the player of female with nothing doing some real strenght turn to the rambling rose of red fox set helps go to, moreover some male players also turn to the gold tiger set of diligence of the home go.Stay now at help in the ground Related articles:

