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Shine on the whole hall bright open of, the whole building ships are all constructed by pure wood, the firmness fructifies, surface 1 F wood oil, 20 basic cause bilges rise to come up of big circle the post is divided into hall 2 F, built on the first floor ground is carried by the outside area of deep red carpet, top wrong fall to have a preface of put full black wood table chair, top of things like container,etc also all is the quiet mind chooses of officer kiln best, sit each influence of Wu An Cheng here of get dint the under charge and younger generation late living, while the second floor then be partitioned more than ten alone gracefuls, the window towards the high set of the center of hall, it inside decoration think come should more is cultured delicacy, simply seeing from the carving on the window frame can affirm this settle however come from expert of hand, up then sit each general situation dint of representative.
Obviously the party hasn't started now, there is some noises in the hall, everybody of all nearby sit a miss of four treasure building ships, face these gentlenesses water, enthusiasm fire of the misses are the man that iron beats also knowing move, a forgot his/her own identity and became reckless, the Zong feeling indulge in sex.
The segment tiger is keeping off the place of high set to literally seek the seat of a strange no man to sit down, shape plentiful rhyme, air dissolutes at this time of the beautiful Fu gathered together to come up, tiny the tiger traveling incognito a gift, then and at will sitting on the segment poured cup wine for him nearby, a rightness of delicate meats glue on his arm before the chest, saying of soft-spoken voice nephrite:"This Ye has never seen before, came to these for the first time four protected a building ship?"
"Yes,Beats by Dre Electroplating."The segment brave general body let to let and took out arm back and averted from the harassment of the other party, cold speech way.
"Hey!The Ye livings so straightforwardly and how still felt ashamed?"Beautiful Fu Luo once the Luo smile and all over send forth the breathing of this Yin Mi, the body glues to come up a way again:"The Nu house calls month Niang, is these four taking care of of the treasure building ship romantic hallses, don't know that the Ye has what good friend, the Nu is you call."
"If the month Niang can let an a certain person after a while, the segment is some to appreciate not to exert."The heart of segment tiger early becomes not smooth because of cuckoldry dead and the slightest is free from the other party influence and see toward her look in the eyes be like see a heap of dead meat, the tone is icy cold to be good enough to freeze water become ice.
"Hum!It is really an idiot who doesn't understand romantic feeling."
Once the month Niang Jiao Qu twist, cold hum 1, stand up a dynasty hall behind walk.While walking to the proper channel, turn head and took a look a tiger, flash across in eye one silk is naked, later on the path keeps in quick time toward building ship crest the layer walk.The building ship coping only has a room, the month Niang stands on the doorway, caution of knocked to knock on door, way:"Two shopkeepers, the month Niang plea for interview."
"Come in."Say in an old voice inside the door.
The month Niang pushes door to go into inside, with hand again light of close the door, the room that sees in this building ship crest layer, other building ship the room is clearly contrary,Beats By Dre In Ear, there is no decoration, seem to be the empty, just put one to provide Taiwan in positive center, up place one pole in the blackness Shan the Jing steel war Ji of cold light.BE being provided for the front of the set to kneel to sit a grey hair the old, he double the eye Be tiny to shut, the noodles permits to slightly show to wither away, the body saw to seem to be to have a little from the outward appearance weak thin, however from open of the muscle peeped out by dress Jin to see, his strong degree really didn't can be judged by convention.
The old didn't turn a head as well as open eyes, just the tone is mild to ask a way:"Month Niang, you don't receive a guest in the underneath and run to the upstairs, is took place what matter?"
"Return to two shopkeepers, I discovered some shady characters."
Month Niang segment the tiger wait person to go aboard ex- to affair after going aboard 15110 of said 1 time, originally she has already noticed a segment tiger etc. person, after all have more than ten bodies in a flock of person who seeks joys to have a good time negative weapon,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, full of bellicosity of the person will seem to be very suddenly and want to make people's inattention all difficult, don't even say to be good at ascertaining intent through word and expres of Qin Lou supervisor.
"River bank Niang this wench born nature has fun so much and always brings calamity everywhere and all unexpectedly led the root of all evil son to here to come today."The old double the eyes Be tiny to open, naked astringent in the eye, slowly say:"Affirmation of these people is north Qin's dead private, should hurtle Li Yan come of, two countries cross swords not is us the tube of, also not is what we can take care of, after a while if take place what affair of words, let the honored guest of the building ship escort protection down stairs leave, don't make them be subjected to any injury, understand?"
"BE, two shopkeepers."The month Niang Gong body is in response to the way:"If the nothing important orders, month Niang, descend to go to."
"You next go to!"The old flicked to wave hand, when the month Niang backs doorway, again be like think of what, called to live her, strain of ask a way:"You say just that person face up have what text body?"
"Is a mountain black tiger."The month Niang has never seen such strain of the old, can not help having a little oddness in the heart.
The old cross-examines a way:"Is the right side cheeks."
The month Niang ordered to nod.
The old air has a little faintly, mumbling say:"Is him!Unexpectedly and unexpectedly will be him!"

The text chapter 15 Lin Jia
Renew time:2008-6-2117:30:13 chapter word numbers:4909

"Two shopkeepers, you are all right?"The month Niang anxiously asks a way.
"Nothing!"The old shook to shake head, the air fell calm, order way:"After a while and regardless take place what matter, never make the guest get into hall, if the guest can not leave, take they come here, in fine leave that person a little bit farer."
"BE."Month Niang's noding should descend and curiously ask a way again:"Shopkeeper, that person is who ah?Make you so nervous."
"Can let this nervous world have several people again!However that person is absolutely an one of them."Thrive on war idea of the old body, vision well sharp knife to let people don't dare orthoptic, slowly say:"That personal name is certainly a tiger, hear to is a state a personage, drift about Jing state, with one Jing state person the surname knot exchange blows for brothers, behind robbing for his brothers white the execution ground of Anne's county, combining with leading northern Qin of road first superior, Chen Jun, .Although he hurts two to recruit,the body has no matter, but although Chen Jun Ze wins to still hurt, drive it the shot harm.Afterwards, he is subjected to Chen Jun, it invites, want to join north Qin Jun, hence sneak in south to together win a soldier big camp, cut to kill south together and mostly Du Yang Biao, capture nine thunders to cut knife.At join north Qin Jun before hurt to connect 600 by one person's dint more ten thousand ride warrior, empress again two match to defeat and Chen Jun together the Qi Lin of son Xue Xuan, held up Chen Jun and Zhang Xiao to then cooperate.You only think, the such person has again who see not nervous?"
"Originally he is thus well-known."The month Niang was been surprised to be getting more foolish by these affairs, thought of to just still try to take quick temper of tiger, could not helped fearing behind in the heart.
"Is well-known?He now one roll call spirit all have no."The old refrains from rash action breathing, and then changes to return to that mild old man and says with smile:"This person record of events spreads in the north Qin Jun's midstream, the probably other Hao clan powerful family also knows this person, but the ordinary people didn't understand this person existence, however led tonight, the this person fame will gain considerable fame world."
The month Niang curiously asks a way:"If the shopkeeper, month Niang ask one misdemeanor, if you contest with him, who will win?"
The old contemplated in a short while and said:"My artistic skill with that Chen handsome boy however the brothers', if right away to definitely of words, we are each half of victory or defeat, but in the words on the ground, I think that no one of world can excel him.So you must carefully do, it don't let building ship escort and he or his under charge since the conflict, they want to do what make them do, as long as doing not hurt other guests, we all all don't need to be taken care of."
"The month Niang is getting more understand.The month Niang excuses to leave."
The month Niang Gong body came out room, empty room and then left the old one person, he sighed tone and stood up and dismantled to provide the war Ji on the table and lightly dauted a Ji body, be like face a friend, mumbling way:"You were lonesome for a long time!If having no is surprised, can find out a new host for you this time."
Fighting the Ji is to understand the words of the old and suddenly and violently projected idea in the killing of a burst of battlefield and provided two flames of candlesticks of table suddenly a dark, immediately put out.
While fighting Ji to in a twinkling break forth to kill an idea, several people have already felt this strong in the down stairs hall Related articles:

