
monster beats sharp Cape that noti

Come, used the voice entreating to hurtle Yang Hua Wei to send out one to roar low.
"What?"Yang Hua Wei's one Leng, he just and clearly receives an evil monster of Fu to deliver to his don't stop the message of bottom, Fu does the evil monster like this strength?The thunder canned absorb to gobble up?
Yang Hua Wei embraces the attitude of doubt and again stretched out finger, indeed as expected, Fu another body of the evil monster shivers, but seems to be excited, didn't peep out painful air, obviously don't resist this strength.
Seeing the evil monster of Fu can absorb to gobble up of thunder, Yang Hua Wei finally lets go of heart, all of two hands put at its Bo neck place, the beginning adds energy for the Fu evil monster with all strength.
Is strong but the improbity gobble up of thunder, attribute completely and Fu the evil monster fit together, or, this strength is a card orchid in the mainland most improbity most great power most the attribute of origin, if the Fu evil monster can talk, he will definitely say that Yang Hua Wei loses to his strength now, is the strength that the many their heart spirit owns.
The thunder gobbled up follows Yang Hua Wei's hands to quickly spread into the body of Fu evil monster, through the skeleton, meat Qu and blood, quickly flooded its whole body
The monster often sends out moan with stimulated voice, it is transmuting, because have no\justice solution Fu the meaning of the evil monster roaring cry, so even if is Yang Hua Wei don't know as well the Fu actually is taking place what inside the evil monster body.
Yang Hua Wei once said,monster beats, 12 classes became adult an evil monster of evil crystal about had one personal size, but if if the Fu evil monster dead drop now, Yang Hua Wei would definitely discover, the Fu evil monster body inside of evil crystal but fully had a normal person half is so big!
Most important of BE, this is evil crystal oneself of the color isn't just purple, still keep being suffused with the black of purple light.
The strength of the evil monster's delivering is to pass blood, while these purple bloods be completely activated under the function of thunder gobbled up, revolve a speed ratio at ordinary times at the moment the most stimulated combat appearances to all want to be quickly up several times.
But the blood quickly flowing to flee add after evil crystal energy of brain position every time, the colors will be more before more deeply some than variety, while that evil crystal color unexpectedly become thin, more and more thin.
Yang Hua Wei's being just station is with all strength a Fu over there evil monster importation energy, the slightest didn't realize an evil monster of Fu of variety.
The blood in the Fu evil monster body flows to flee speed more and more and quickly, more than 10 minutes after, it the blood in the body have already completely become deep purple color, and still send forth a ray of light of Ying Ying unclearly, very uncanny, but most uncannily and not just this, but evil Fu monster of evil crystal!
That is huge evil crystal, original transmute into black purple color because of absorbing the before pure thunder and lightning strength of Yang Hua Wei of evil crystal, the color in nowadays unexpectedly fades to go, seem ……
To, seem energy have already been used up of evil crystal similar, but this evil crystal color didn't disappear as well as change its function after becoming thin, still keep being going toward to input energy in the blood in the body, but bring from the blood of gobble up of the strength of the thunder, but drive Fu evil monster of evil crystal completely absorb.
Mao Pa.
Suddenly a frailty loudly delivered through a spirit space in Yang Hua Wei's consciousness and suddenly opened a pair of eyes, Yang Hua Wei finally noticed Fu the facial expression of the evil monster.
That is stimulated, that is the expectation.
Yang Hua Wei just and uncannily takes place to revolve the sharp Cape that notice Fu in the evil monster head and formed one circle Xuan line, and from the skin form deep place the veins that unexpectedly spread black, overaly in the top.
Just livinged a doubt in the heart, Yang Hua Wei but felling hands touched of the place is some what Tu rise, scrutinize under, but is skin AN on the evil Fu monster body be pushing to drop down.
"Is this what is the row?"Distance of public noticed this, Mr. Mu puzzled that the ground says:"Is the Fu evil monster sheding skin?"
"Should can't be evolve?" Cloth Luo Di guess way:"Yang Hua Wei before fed its energy not from evil crystal in withdraw?Is absorbing so long-term, will can't be an evolution?"
"Say reasonablely,this top-class evil monster can also transmute 13 class evil monster?"Mr. Mu spoke the guess of brave and led to win public support person's one surprised shout.
Perhaps is the history of evil card orchid mainland monster up, have never appeared to transmute into the example of 13 class evil monsters because the strength is pure to spend Gao as well, Fu the variety of the evil monster, obviously have already accomplished history.
Transmute to become 13 class by oneself from the body of original adulthood top-class evil monster evil monster, the Fu evil monster actually will take place what who don't know as well, it such of variety can with turn after improbity, or reform variation the evil monster after is totally different, those are just the grades that is obsessive to raise its strength, but Fu evil monster current variety, but is transmuting of completeness all over the body.
The "roar-" Fu evil monster suddenly faces upward to send out a crazy roar, the roar voice turns to make a wave to deliver a several 10 kilometers, while skin AN on his body also quickly shed off and fall on the ground and peeped out it the shape at the moment.
Instigate wing, the Fu evil monster excitedly flies up the sky and faces that to put on a curved month to hover around, Fu evil monster the whole appearance didn't change, was just the position of shoulder and chest to seem to print ascend the lightning flash drawing in two purple blacks, the joint of double wing livings a bone sting in a few blacks and is just this skeleton, unexpectedly is the black of gloomy terror!Even the benefit claw of claw son also became black, only that overhead overalied the sharp Cape still a purple color of black evil line.
The Fu evil monster keeps hovering around in Gao air, the Si roars and waked up with a start all just Wu Dang's pupil in homework, they think the evil Fu monster suddenly and violently walked again and quickly took weapon to hurtle out, but hurtled to back yard, but saw an evil monster of Fu that face moonlight's hover around.
Don't know why, be they see an evil monster of Fu again at the moment of time, but feel an evil monster of the Fu that it change, clearly is still a past, but the felling for having a liking for is getting more different.
Yang Hua Wei obviously feels an evil monster of Fu of variety, not is come from sense of vision up, but send to his spirit message before evil Fu monster Teng gets empty but rises, obviously Fu intelligence civilized degree of the evil monster got an exaltation, each roar contain of the emotion is also many many, listen to at Yang Hua Wei at least, but feel an evil monster of the Fu of now and compared before, is a prime of life and just exceeded into puberty of youth general margin.
This is still that Yang Hua Wei has no way to see an evil monster of Fu of inner part, if the Fu evil monster can speak up, he will definitely tell everyone his biggest none of varieties to is these, but he head inside of that is evil crystal, impressively have been already disappeared!Act for its, but is the black object of a spheroid.
Immediately Fu the evil monster resolved and took out the black object of this situation, even if the gold thunder has never seen this thing with two plentiful true personses, will definitely shout loudly to make a noise as well, because this is exactly many the monster is concerning the big Huang demon in, that contained its all pure strength of ……inside Dan!
The "roar ……" Fu evil monster sends out deep and low roaring cry and slowly fell down and meekly lie prone at nearby, Yang Hua Wei cans be dauted by he and have a liking for go to very lovely, which still is before ruthlessly oppressive evil
"?Did you also evolve?"Yang Hua Wei ha ha on smiling, thunder laid up to gobble up, touch own hair shaking head a way:"Is a big quickly passing time gun evolution first, then is a pair of sons saint dress, you evolved now and saw to me this guy fall behind.
The "roar ……" Fu evil monster after listenning to Yang Hua Wei's words sends out a hoarse to blare, make Yang Hua Wei very clear of listenned to smile an idea among them, originally Fu evil monster is in the joke he, want to understand this, Yang Hua Wei is really unbearable, the belly feeling own roars with laughter.
By this time the Lu Di expected to cannot help but to also gather together to come over and picked up the evil monster of a piece of Fu backs down of skin A, put in the hand to knead to knead, discovered a softness, but the strong and tough degree may compare their gold saint dress, this can not help letting Lu Di Ba send out one surprised shout, yell a way:"What about sky, Yang Hua Wei's eldest brother, the big monster Tui comes down of is the skin so hard?Almost catch up our saint dresses!"
"?BE?"Yang Hua Wei smells speech also pick up a cake of, after all the Fu is evil Related articles:

