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See, once England controled Reggae islands, that consociation the province will thoroughly lose the whole benefitses over there.Don't say to is to be coolie, even the least bit the son breadcrumbs all fail to get share.Because goods of British colony will hand over to British boats and ships conveyance.And the colony of England also will purchase the merchandise that England produces.Is positive can attain whichever port in the world such as the fleet of England, can the market in London inside but was full of an inferior cloth and china.Isn't another, be just because all of these goods are British goods.This is a selfish nation, for the sake of the monopoly trade, they wish to use thick inferior native product and can't extol high-quality foreign goods, either."
Although from the thin Er the virtuous speech phrase, Henry has already listenned to the objection sue for peace of meaning.But the of east, Reggae company has been disagreeing continuously.Both parties are secretly fighting both with open and secret means is also as if the simple meal is general.Therefore it is can hardly for Henry to believe to is the board director of eastern India company, the thin Er virtuous meeting is at this top to put in a good word for Reggae company.Hence he at that moment and then cannot helps but sounding out a way."That according to the virtuous Sir of thin Er of meaning, should we not accept the condition Luo that British opens?"
"Is quite good, I am this meaning.We not ability because in the moment some difficulty, easily cede the colony arch hand of Reggae islands to British.So doing undoubtedly will ruin the whole Reggae company."The thin Er is virtuous to simple and directly nod a way.
See a virtuous answer of thin Er of thus simply keep white, arises spontaneously in a heart that the feeling appreciated is in Henry.Navy's commander in chief's Fan& amp in Holland in fact and ever since that time;#8226;Cover after Lun fall in action, the x-rated parliament then put the affair surrendering toward England to ascend formal agenda.But the Reggae company early being already a long time slavered by British be seen more to give up for the meat of the kitchen chopping board, the Fa code on the negotiation table, at any time all probably being ceded.For the sake of near early reach to surrender agreement, the x-rated parliament was once more than once to once suggest Reggae companies to accept fact, but be willing to do a justice for the company of the person is also precious and rare.The thin Er is virtuous to stand out to openly appeal to guarantee the benefits of Reggae company at the moment, how can not keep Henry waiting the shareholder of Reggae company to don't already appreciate.However is touched to return touched, Henry's at heart bright hall write.That thin Er is virtuous is what kind of a person, have no the business of advantage how will this old fox stand out again Zhang righteousness to keep speech.
Thought of here, Henry right away chases a face one bitterness way:"Thin Er virtuous Sir, the words say so.But the circumstance in nowadays permitted not to get us to haggle be not?If saying one is frustrated, Holland has been already lost war, regardless England lifts what condition, we must accept."
", Mr. Henry, don't be thus upset first.Holland defeats militarily and really already, but this doesn't lose the diplomacy at representing us.Even if is surrender can also pass diplomatic means to reduce loss of."Thin Er virtuous Song shrug way.
"Diplomatic means?Is the meaning of the thin Er virtuous Sir to want to seek other nations to be an accommodator?"The Fu thunder gram eyebrows in Delhi that have been doing not deliver words a wrinkly ask a way.
"See with the current circumstance yes, unite province to need urgently a sturdy real strenght nation conduct and actions appear publicly to mediate and the negotiation of England."The thin Er is virtuous very to affirmatively nod a way.
"Thin Er virtuous Sir, this Ministry of Foreign Affairs not is have never considered.Is present to have again where does a nation enough must ascend qualifications to mediate between Holland and England?Or say to have where a monarch has enough real strenght to force with prestige British starts to refrain from rash action them of greed?"The Fu thunder gram in Delhi don't have no misgiving of say.
"Yes, even if can please to arrive Three Kingdoms to appear publicly to mediate, also the very difficult assurance the other party can stand at fair of angle up carry on intervention.France in nowadays just and deeply sinks to throw stone a party war in disorder in.For dealing with the alliance of bore generation prince and Spanish, the Louis XIV has already formed alliance with England, and returns to engrave Dun an Er gram harbor is a gift to send to British guy.As for already together war in England your killing the Spanish whom I live didn't more impossibly act as the role of agent.But Sweden for dealing with Denmark is also constantly sending goodwill gestures to British.Even still promising won't come to plum to cede taking the offensive a base is British, by with the alliance that commands various country in the Baltic littoral, in order to to admire the cloth Si fortress dynasty military advance."Henry pulled finger to calculate for a while, suddenly detection now then Holland surroundings of the nation almost have already poured toward England.
"Yes, now then of Sweden is no longer thou Sweden in Si tower man big emperor ages.Chris Di Nuo the queen don't love a mountain love of beauty male of river and threw the crown to own cousin.Now thou of new appointee Sweden king Si tower man ten a life times handle in great disorder domestic affairs still too late, how will have time for unite the province act as peacemaker."There is feeling at Henry's introduction to Sweden, a Holland officials eccentrically say.
His strange adjusted to immediately arouse public and a burst of uproar of laughter in the audience.By more than a month, Sweden queen Chris the Di Nuo pulled the argument government hall of fortress to hold to ownly abdicate a rites in the black Pu Sa.It is said that this 28-year-old queen left hall after taking off his/her own crown and immediately rode up a white horse, the female dresses up as men's wear and only takes a few male attendants, the quick horse left Sweden.This sudden affairs isn't only shocked the whole Europe, make Sweden royal house become one cachinnation handle of European upper-class society more.However at the moment the situation of Holland permit not to get present public have time to sneer at other people.Sees the Fu thunder gram in Delhi two hand one stand hurtle a virtuous wry smile way of thin Er:"Thin Er virtuous Sir, your lo, our current situations are messes so."
However the thin Er is virtuous but remain is a totally unconcerned facial expression.But see he follow then tiny tiny a smile meaningful say:"Everybody, now the one who has no suitable intervention in Europe, but don't represent to have no a nation in the world can act as this agent."
"Thin Er the virtuous Sir's meaning is to say, let eastern nation like that of the Ao Si Man empire to appear publicly to mediate with England for Holland?"Suddenly realize of Fu thunder gram in Delhi follow to cross-examine a way.
"Oh, not, not, not.Ao Si Man and Sa thin Er, don't lie although Muslem's empire like the Er is strong,their combining isn't suitable for to do the agent this time.Being much less is current of those Muslem Sudan the positive day is occupied in a beauty and Luan that copes with a temple behind kid, where will have the idea tube the business of Europe."The drum that the thin Er is virtuous to be like to stir Lang the ground shake head a way.Treat to see a public face up full is doubt, he again very happy write add a way:"The ideal accommodator pointed by me is than those more eastbound nation of Muslem.That horse can•The gold country-China of wave Luo's style of writing empire."
China empire?!It is an unexpectedly such a fantastic proposal to is public to have never thought what thin Er was virtuous to assume air of importance along while, gave.But see the Fu thunder gram in Delhi right away and then summon up Sai to help the sub- warning the way:"Thin Er virtuous Sir, your suggestion can not imagine too much.The China empire is really strong, but it far another in the permafrost on carrying, how can appear publicly to do intervention for Holland?Have again what qualifications get involved Europe of business?"
"Ah, the so-called accommodator combines to not necessarily really need emissary to on the spot mediate.Sometimes a letter, a few pronouncements can attain unexpected effect."The thin Er is virtuous to make reference to here grind to a stop for a while, at swept to see some kind of public behind, again Ao however of say:"As for qualifications.Excuse me, is the identity of the biggest supplier in European market still not enough?Unless the upper-class society of England no longer wants tea-leaf, china, silk, and spice,monster beats...etc. these eastern merchandises that can not act for.Otherwise of words, British necessarily must darling down listen to the China empire talking."
Indeed as expected thin Er virtuous words sound just fall, the present and public eye follows bright get up.Decadent atmosphere's seeming is completely also blown by a burst of pleasant breeze from east in times before.However, the Fu thunder gram in Delhi of one side after thinking for a while, still keep slightly taking the inquiry way of worry in uncertainty:"But, can we really persuade the antinomy that the China empire gets involved an of Holland and England?I am to say that what reason China empire has to take up such a troublesome matter.How can you promise the condition that Chinese aren't more more greedy than British, can't put forward to more engrave for the Ke toward Holland again Related articles:

