
monster beats n front of 100 000 f

Even if you is lord field advantage again how?Don't forget, second round we similarly lord field, and this competes you not necessarily so can win, remember, this sentence is to say mine, two round game be over after, greeting your s can be the result of failure"
On the site son of the other party still so overbearing?Can't, the Lin Yi Gen the Mu inside Ni Ao is the same person, they all contrast a match to have hundred percent confidence, whether can really win opponent, the nobody knows, but even if is to lose affair of honor, they are also rising head to come out the die-hard of ground.
Besides this game hasn't started and cross swords before at this kind of up, Lin Yi always can't show with opponent weak, come right away afraid you don't become a promise hole Pu again how?Even if is a hell, Lao Tzes all give you trip even win I at wanting?The OK steps over to go from the my body, otherwise you be at dream
Ba Sai Luo that and slice the war of of the west of Er, imminent medium
Chapter 262
Chapter 262
Slice Er west and Ba Sai Luo that of although calculates not ascend is what have the old natural rivals of great enmity, these two ball teams at European War match field the top ran into for five times as well, every their resist is all what spark four splash, at come and go of five times exchange blows in, they of have never led draw and slice Er west two win three negative temporarily be placed in a leeway,monster beats.
As long as being to bump, is that you die the final outcome that I live, draw to Ba Sai Luo that and slice Er west and speech, all have no meaning, and their combat, always all don't need to depend on draw as well, the victory is their only need.
This time of to definitely is more such, although 16 strong games of hat in Europe are two rounds,these two ball teams all think the one breath polishes off the other party, Ni Ao in the Mu thinks so, inside hero Carl Be virtuous to even want to immediately knock down to slice Er west.
The number is two belligerence histories of ball teams, slicing Er the west can defend his/her own lord field, Ba Sai Luo that didn't also axe Pu to once lose in the promise.
The of two ball teams is recent of cross swords at a time is in hat quarter of finalses in Europe in 99-00 match quarters, the that brigade of Ba Sai Luo axed Pu to present to public to greatly converse at a time in the promise, the eliminating of success slices Er west the brigade rise in rank the half finals of Europe hat.
The Mu inside Ni Ao was also an on the spot close Li in those early years that a member of the condition, just his role has been already changed this time Ba Sai Luo that of opponent, six year agos he is still Luo cloth Sen and Fan Jia Er's assistant coach, but this at the beginning Portuguese small potato has already shaken at present once the body change and become one of the whole European the foot altar most haughtiness of the very influential and commander - in - chiefs.
But the Mu inside Ni Ao weighs promise hole Pu once this time of time, he this old friend don't win too many people's war whoop, be slice Er west big Ba of the brigade stop outside the ground of time, greet the crary hiss of their only that fans of Ba Sai Luo, was like Ni Ao in the Mu to in advance once say similarly, the promise hole Pu didn't have welcome mat, here is a battlefield.
There is no fresh flowers applause, only those add Tai Luo Ni the second fan peep out of ferocious, exists a kind of hostility just here.
However also this kind of crary hiss that comes from fan can at slice Er the west make some harassments for them before brigade get into locker room and say again after a hammer chain of match quarter, these be dressed in the blue brigade takes of the wild beasts, also early become accustomed to this kind of abuzz guest field atmosphere, fan in England can than these what people expressed still want Be getting more crazily.
Who all know that British fan's present side sees the time of ball is what character, probably mankind most not a side of the gentleman all the ability see and revile scornfully on the ground in England, Ji Feng, make fun of, these things' slicing Er west has already seen be getting tooer many.
For those welcome mats that add a Luo Ni second person of Tai, that kind of it is can hardly for hiss to let to slice the member of team of the west of Er to feel pressure.
Used to see football rascal,also feared the madness of this degree?Added a Luo Ni second person still an under-estimation of Tai to slice the anti- of the west of Er to press ability, they forgot, the league match of Spain has no England forever that the oppression feeling of the mightiness.
The Yi still kept seeming to be too comfort and ease than the benefit second peninsula, so west AN usually only the double male compete for hegemony and have no group of heroes to chase deer.
Visit a ground in England, if kick very difficultly to see, connect a lord field of fan will stand is ascending to abuse people in public together, with these Anglo-Saxon the lousy person compare with and add Tai the Luo Ni second person's performance was still too cultured, this is the essence problem.
After walking into a locker room, the Mu inside Ni Ao makes all member of team pipe down, before taking place, this is time that belongs to him, he needs to make everybody hear his own voice, the madness on the field, will from his beginning.
"In past[one] week, we already numerous games that once saw opponent record image, I don't want to repeat again here too many military tactics of problem.Being the promise hole Pu ground here is Ba Sai Luo that of site son, outside not only have 11 opponents is waiting you, also have 78 ten thousand of add Luo Ni second person of Tai at prepare crazy hiss you."
"Do not know that you see the condition like this how to think, but I want the guy making those blamed shuts up"
"They say Ba Sai Luo that of the aggression line can pierce everything to defend, so I request what you did now is, keep this mistake from continuing to spread in their brains with own body, we slice Er the west own whole Europeses bestly defend I need you let to suffocate a wringing of sort to kill to let Ba Sai Luo that present up feel that despair"
"I need you to strangle them the so-called genius performance is used tough tell them, who is the strongest"
The Mu inside Ni Ao didn't need to be done to morely instigate, because he knows, in past[one] week, he already fight of crary successfully infuse into everybody's body, he wants to do now of just open the front door of locker room after death, then he need to looking at a flock of blue dress wild beast the field is last madness of tore each inch skin of biting the opponent.
"We walk to let those add a Luo Ni second person of Tai to know we of severe", especially inside this captain first stood, he madness of tap a big muscle of strong chests of hes, seem to be already to work well to bite the preparation of killing the that trident of Ba Sai Luo at any time, and this guy also sparks the crary atmosphere in the whole locker room at the same time.
"Take place to let these guys know who he** of is Europe's best ball team not is their Ba Sai Luo that and is we, great of slice Er west", the orchid Pa is virtuous of the vice- captain also at make an effort of shout.
What to respond to these two guys is the roars of more than ten rest individuals, estimate at the moment someone outside the door of locker room at of words, will definitely drive slice Er west the growl of the this kind of wild beast sort of the member of team frighten a to greatly jump.
Lin Yi has never been like those guys to express of so crazily, he seems to be have a little son calmness, but have already been full of fight in his that eyes of**, who all know, this a small bedlamite that doesn't utter is whole to slice Er west the most terrible guy inside the brigade, all of his strengths will axe the in front of 100,000 fans in the Pu ground to burst out in the promise.
When these bedlamites are from the locker room of the guest team in walk out of time, give this assistant coach to mean to say in cloth, "this is true he** of is a flock of crary animals, their growls are shaking my ear deaf"
"What I needed is a such an animals, only have when they can stand down so crazily of time, then we can take away a victory here, be not?My old waiter."
The Mu inside Ni Ao clapped the shoulder of clapping the old partner, "leave, let us experience together the greatness of the promise hole Pu ground, but we want to do of, is thoroughly destroy it in next 90 minutes"
The Mu inside Ni Ao uses a Zuan tight fist while saying this sentence and toward air to mercilessly get down a to hit, seem at knock ground a certain thing similar, probably this guy is the high regard that wants to knock ground I to axe Pu to the promise here.
He heads for Europe from here and and returns to here now, Ni Ao in the Mu at the moment, unique want to do of be in this place, this oneself walks into the place of occupation football turn son and proves that oneself was no longer that novice.
Fan Jia Er and old Luo cloth Sen, these popular coaches that once dominated this ground Related articles:

