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Conceived outline 1 time in the brain, go all the way, even after connecting successful of escape routes all observe good, but!Truely come in contact with an officer now item male, he hesitated.
Hesitant reason!
Because of becoming to have no confidence at all.........
"Weng Weng Weng!"Is very abrupt, Xiao's bathing rain is hesitating, feel in the brain that Chien of jade had rashness to move.(Jade Chien already drop blood, and the host are that the mental states respond)
The Xiao bathes the in a flash in rain hand, a ray of light flicker the Ning became jade Chien of jadeite color after, he at that moment and then would return a dollar dint to permeate into one silk, and the rashness in the brain moved to immediately stop down.
", If orchid they at nearby?"The Xiao bathes rain surprised medium and then full is an in raptures.........

Volume 2;Trap Long Sheng Tian's chapter 132;Lay siege to
Renew time:2010-7-110:33:07 chapter word numbers:3356

"That's right, affirmation be!But, how can and so strangely fits!Difficulty is if orchid do they search this intentionally?"The Xiao bathes rain very quick affirmed down.
At the moment he felling whole body of the bloods be all burning.
Jade Chien is to return the thing of cloud religion, each religious sect almost has oneself's a set of achievement method, and the chain turns jade Chien.
This jade Chien cans not compare with to spread a note, but wins some advantage, that is to have to position function, a little bit abstract of saying and woulding be the of the same religious sect refines together of jade Chien, each other of has to definitely respond contact, is like a Xiao to bathe jade Chien on rain body as long as being to return the cabinet pupil that cloud believes in, at the beginning everybody then can own a cake of.But weakness be, spread a note, as long as once positioning, even if is the Yaos of ten thousand insides may attain, the jade Chien's distance, only have a short wretchedness only 100 insides.
At the moment, jade Chien had reaction, that proves if the orchid waits a person because of should in the neighborhood.
Have already not suppressed to live endocentric concussion.
"Calculate your good luck!"The Xiao bathed rain to be close to strong vision to sweep to see one chillily eye last officer's official residence.
Night!Delivered to deeply sink more, that was the dawn first light of day approach the blackness of the front.
The dark night of thick Mo has already been suffused with to have very thick mist, that like throw on to the world 1 F willow catkins, the visibility is the lowest, 100 meters outside then lo not pure scenery, a dark shadow as if midnight demon, the speed of the lightning flashes sort, the ground continuously starts to gobble up a way the way flow a dust, after a burst of Di concusses, quietly hit to fall again.
"At be partial to east to, leave this to still have 80 insides!"The Xiao bathed rain Mou foot breathing, he feels that he is like a burst of strong breeze at the moment, hair continuously of float in the sky backward, because the speed leads quickly, hair as fine point root root elegance.
His heart is a no time for waiting....
........The heart reads to count to turn of, he ran fast ten insides again it be apart from, quick speed, fantastic.
Fortunately, officer's house of this east Ling originally be placed in the position of city suburb sort, all the way zero zero spread a loose family isn't a lot of,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, and, now night already deep, the pedestrian is very at least.
The together jet black ray of light is mercilessly failed in the past, air a burst of motion, immediately, the ground appeared numerous cracks of, as if the spider's net spreading to open is general, the air starts to hover around sharpen matchless Si call, soon after four eagle Jius from half empty mercilessly hit to fall toward the ground.
The demagogy that a head of eagle Jiu makes greatest efforts huge wings, try in that energy to flounce but, but still keep escaping however bad luck, the huge body Qu mercilessly bumps shot at a cake of huge rock up.
Immediately, the crushed stones arouses to shoot and spreads out as the raindrop.
"If the orchid takes virtuous Si of shell to escape quickly, here from my crest write, quick!~"Luo's tiger one side squared and simultaneously roar a way.
"Roar!~Roar!~"Silent dark night, drive tiger roar the voice be full of.
It is a strong fire tiger.
The fire strong tiger whole body skin pours to put as the fire root root at the moment, sharp of Liao tooth, and the sharp lackey of gangs,such as bayonet, is suffused with gloomy, can can see clearly, fire strong soldier you mouth Zi the ferocious face of the tooth, flicking of the long-handled long-handled sword in the hand just positive Gao Gao scolds but rises, the not next ten fire strong tiger rushes toward toward Luo's tiger......
The eagle Jiu bodyguard in sky positive hand holds Luo cloud gun swoop since then, numerous black mark formations one intensively like wildly sprinkle but next of raindrop, Luo cloud gun is stabbing to break air, send out sharp fricatives to ring.......
The outer circle still has many persons who are covered with black cape quiet Chu to sign and be suffused with icy cold of breathing, that kind of icy cold, seem to connect peripheral temperatures be all lowered, their existence is like a shadow......
Up have the eagle Jiu the bodyguard swoop but descend, descend have the fire strong soldier fierce rush toward but go to, whole is like a cloth God, the eagle Jiu sharpenned of Si call, the fire strong tiger shocks the crazy roar voice of open countryside, the vehemence is splendid.
Murderous look.........
Very thick murderous look........
The Luo the tiger leopard eye Nu stares, the whiskers is full to is to curl up, all over is already a blood stain spot at the moment spot, full is the finger of the thick cocoon some kind of peristalsises after, dead dead of Ye tightly explode a tiger wolf tooth, only his left arm of empty concuss gusset to drift with the breeze.
A head of fire the strong tiger is earliest but go to, fierce dynasty Luo's tiger rushed toward to come over, this rushed toward of the dint foot contain the power of ten thousand Juns."Bang,http://www.headphonest.com!"The ground spilted open a blind side, the dust floated in the sky but rose, a rush toward not medium, the fire strong tiger is a roars, the sharp lackey of gangs clips to take extensive dint to sweep since then, the ash receives in, the long-handled sword in that armor big fellow hand on the fire strong tiger has already clipped to take bad breeze to split as well.
If be split in, even if being a piece of iron and stone can also split into a pair half.
"Drinking is proud!~"Luo's tiger 1 explode to drink, the arm blue vein keeps stretching tight to hover around as the earthworm, after the arm Yang like one waning moon, mercilessly head for that to flick to scold but next of long-handled sword.
That armor big fellow eye pupil is a burst of to tighten, the edge of knife chops about and try to avert from that full is the wolf tooth of the point sting Lin Xun stick.
But, the speed of Luo's tiger is really too quick.
Jet blackly explode a tiger wolf tooth, together was suffused with the long-handled sword of bad breeze to come a positive collision, the voice of gold Ge is earsplitting, exploding of Luo's tiger tiger wolf tooth but medium the article work properly a machine and talk about strong and tough degree is that Jing steel long-handled sword can think compare of, collide a moment, the long-handled sword is ground, that armor big fellow feels a not to can gobble up to come over with the oneself or so strength, the whole arm accepts can not stand that violent strength, moment flesh and blood misty.
"Peng!~"The lackey of gangs of fire strong tiger mercilessly claps at protecting of Luo's tiger shield on, Luo the tiger feel he or she is generally bumped shot by the megalith to arrive, the body is a burst of and violent to rock.
"Damn!"Luo tiger feet if take out a whip, form together of lightning flashes, the that fire strong tiger then hit to fly to go out and threw the moment of , the blood blooms,Beats By Dre green Monday, and the Liao poured the fire that will soon hurtle into strong soldier.
But!....This can not impede the step of other fire strong tiger and on the contrary delivered to arise their fierce more, and in this a moment, swoop and under of eagle Jiu the bodyguard also wanted....
"Shell virtuous Si, caution!"If orchid a Chi drinks, but already too late.
In the shell virtuous Si hand of broke blade knife just to draw out from a big fellow belly, up still remained blood stain, the ear side rang out Jiao to drink a voice, the on the side a dark shadow clipped to take foul smell bad breeze but went to, the half turned an of head, and the shell virtuous Si even could see that to flick satisfied facial expression in the big fellow face that the knife chopped down.
Want to lift knife to resist, but too late.
The shell virtuous Si eye pupil in a twinkling tightens such as pinhole-like in shape, the pore of the whole body seemed to be all to blast open in this a moment.
A Hong light as electricity the Mao shoot and lead and solidified on satisfied smiling face of that big fellow face, the source of vitality in the double eyes is in this a moment also is of disappearance.
"Burst!"Along with one mouthful deep red blood fog is from that big fellow mouth jet, his body "bomb" of an end that was deep-fried to become meat, just long-handled sword because of inertial still split at the shell is virtuous Related articles:

