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In thevillage the unknown martyr ,beats by dre cheap,Kunlun sword market is also ran a brilliant light ,also have us the wonder of the phantom beast !!relationresultSince Li Xinbaito us the wonder of turtle Xixin method after breathing gas ,Xianzhen tactic training entry also greatly accelerate .
relationresultUs the wonder ofchelonian ceases ,static and Dy return false .Breathing slow it ,forget its body ,and a connecting the side of meditation ,can the spirit of heaven and earth ,Yongshou ,in eight thousand years of spring ,eight thousand years for the autumn .
relationresultAfterpenance ,Lee Xinbai vivo yuan Dan constantly absorbing the world essence and ancient Xiao Yuet Wah ,chaotic refining ,dense bulk poly ,indistinct to Tuotai into moon shape .
Is this month ,in vivo and in vitro natural immortal gas gasification and condensation of the moon .Practice time, really good Moon guardian ,immortal gas into the pale moonlight, ran cold cool .
relationresultIn particularhe has always been weak fly ,keep a secret sin Yat Yuen ,a surgery such as spells ,finally by the sword male level slowly entry to first Jian Hao level ,with his sword to keep in a horizontal line .
relationresultThe us the wonder day volume ,not only recorded the legendary us the wonder of turtle Xixin method ,also collected as called Tai Chi magic light magic !The two ,can say is the supreme practicing magic .
Only Li Xinbai found himself appears to work is still weak, still do not have the success of cultivation conditions .relationresultAnd what madeLi Xinbai surprised is ,us the wonder day volume last page, write is us the wonder of sword five words ,written seems to be the same as the mysterious sword !But ,in this five characters ,but no text !Strangely enough ,this page day volume intermediate ,have a touch of the palm print .
The palm print looks very strange ,five pointed finger ,like the five different forms of sword ,cutting edge show !In addition ,the palm print in the middle, there is a subtle days !relationresultFingerlike swords ,and the palm of the days ,these hints at what is it right? ?relationresultHispalms on palm print , is to us the wonder of sword five words will instantly emits blue light ,however ,after flashing day volume ,still did not show any other text !relationresultLi Xinbai wassurprised ,but much is to try ,still not from this page glimpse of what method to .
relationresultHe knows,this day in volume ,inevitable also hide greater secret !However, it did not seem to unlock the secrets of the time ,he had to continue to wait .relationresultHalf a monthafter the past ,Li Xinbai and European evil son into the original yuan country western western delta .
relationresultWestDelta area is hilly topography ,and more dense ,and away from the reign of Xiao Daoheng the core zone, therefore yuan ,Yuan white leopard and others will be here for Qi to revolt .
They gathered a group from Zhongzhou to retreat back to the army and the people ,play its flag ,and Xiao Daoheng Qi Jun Qi and resides in the Imperial Army started a guerrilla war .relationresultIn order torecover the Dayuan ,thousands of soldiers and civilians hiding in the West Delta woods come and go like a shadow ,launched a guerrilla war .
Although Xiao Daoheng several times to send troops to battle, but did not receive any effect .relationresultTo thewest of delta ,even Li Xinbai and Europe and also cannot be found temporarily yuan white et al .
relationresultThat day,Li Xinbai and European evil son into the West Delta southwest a named South Town .In the evening ,Li Xinbai and European evil son entered the town outside a small teahouse .
relationresultIn the teahouse,they found a strange thing .relationresultImporttea person ,or in teahouses often foreign to man ,back is carrying a knife .Even the small teahouse ,and ancient road carrying several onions granny ,back is back with a knife !The waiter to see that this is a feeble person ,do used to pour water delivery of live ,his clothes were covered with dirt .
However ,the knife or straight inclined inserted behind him ,with all his bartender clothes ,it is neither fish nor fowl !relationresultAndfrom the door through the old grandma -- her graying hair ,body bent ,appears to have a straw have dorsal immobility ,however, she was back in askew tied a knife ,then tremble trembling walked past .
relationresultHerhands still holding two onions ,to see that a hurry home cooking .Li Xinbai watched the grandma that be poker-faced appearance, almost laugh out .relationresultMeanwhile,those around to see Li Xinbai and European evil upon the son of sabre ,eyes with shock and fear look !The waiter saw that they were put on the table of the sword ,face immediately changed !He was going to Li Xinbai their table to flush tea ,one can see their swords ,he immediately turned away !relationresultEuropesaw this evil son bartender look different,www.monsters-ol.com, so they called him : Hey ,little brother ,what do you see as if we see a ghost ? Li Xinbai suddenly interrupted : the old monkey ,you said yourself !The master so handsome ,you have seen me so handsome ghost ? , relationresultEuropethe evil son stared at him a moment ,his beard was cocked up .
relationresultThewaiter looked back at their eyes ,eyes are still hesitating but a look of fear : you ,you still dare to take the sword out of the house? !~ !relationresult..relationresultThe twenty-sixth chapter ,the deceased .
relationresultLi Xinbaibe rather baffling at table sword at a glance ,said : how ?Don take the sword out what ? , relationresultNext to aman with great care and asked: are you to the field ?Didn you hear .
The nearby town of things ? , relationresultEuropeand asked the son of town : what happened ? , relationresultTheold man looked around ,and then quietly said : recently, we are here to a group of mysterious swordsman .
WWW ,this group of swordsman inhuman ,cheap beats by dre,killing people in sight !Three days ago ,they came to the town ,the people of the town to run ,was almost killed them ! , relationresultAndthe man drink tea together in an old people a bit angry eyes look: the gang is a beast !The town of villagers and they are not enemies ,but they actually without forethought ,bloodbath in town !The scene ,which is really miserable .
.. ... Dead villagers ,being open ,is to be executed ... ... , relationresultTheold man then said: it is strange, the gang while killing people in sight ,but it left the lives of three people .
And these three individuals ,was just carrying a knife .Hear of ,the gang leader of people on their three said : look at you with a knife ,this will let you off! The three get a

