
google Twisted tales of the _34

Have a look your hands ,and close to the river , a piece of ice ,have a look yourself a familiar and unfamiliar face .relationresultUndeniable,Yang Zheng quiet still looks like a very masculine ,his appearance is not handsome ,but tall straight nose ,rounded zygomatic ,country font face ,distinct edges and corners of the mouth ,there is always bright eyes of God, does have to attract women traits .
relationresultMay bekilled too many people ,his eyes will always be a pan into the marrow of the cold .relationresultHe threw down therabbit ,hand hold some cold water to pour cold water on his face ,his cheek nerve stimulation ,just those strange sweep away .
relationresultIt seemsQiu Yuanshan is clever, don send the ten following squad search yourself, this several day was that no single enemy .Yang Zheng does not know ,executive search scheme is his old enemy Dekun and wilson .
But they also found ,and Yang Zheng fight as a guerrilla ,was a very foolish .relationresultThe only wayis blocked ,at all ,let Yang Zheng hit home, near the West with much land and few people ,in order to prevent other army assault ,is to take the strategy of strengthen the defences and clear the fields .
relationresultThiscoincided with the winter in the snow ,thousands of miles ,Germany ,not the letter, Yang Zheng in such difficult circumstances to endure ,he will break out of an encirclement .
relationresultAnd he made sure,Yang was afraid to go home is tantamount to Cang ,the meat on a mat board .relationresultIn fact,he is right .relationresultYang Zheng is ready toescape the Cang state ,and the only way ,is he once traveled the road ,he only through the rift to cloud country .
relationresultYang ZhengWest North away tens of miles, finally arrived near the Macedonian rift boundary ,the Great Rift Valley is three regardless of region of Macedonia ,near sorrow wilderness side horse ,transverse ,near the Cang country side ,is a perennial Cang troops ,but the number is not much, about a squadron of about 500 people .
relationresultHowever,Yang Zheng today :here ,just a gasp .relationresultVoltin the grass ,where the enemy camp .relationresultHe founda long fence strips along the road on both sides of the stretch ,blocking all escape routes ,while the rough swept the army account number ,Yang Zheng are convinced the army stationed in at least one partial camp two thousand, days ,even he could not help but want to touch his face ,be sure if you read the .
relationresultSo many people,in order to catch yourself ?relationresultQiu Yuanshanis really a big ah .relationresultThe mostheadaches is the soldiers near area can provide cover shrubs full cut oar ,and walk along the fence in the direction toward the Cang dug a few feet long pit ,channels were manned .
relationresultHewanted to escape from Yang Zhengruo ascended to heaven ,unless those fall may would fall ,but also through the fence ,in this period ,there may be two thousand sharpen one soldiers to take him to drink .
A thought here ,always fearless Yang Zheng think it is really big .relationresultAlthough Yang Zhengdoes not fear death, but does not mean that he loved die .relationresultHedoes not have the death consciousness ,especially the thought of being used, his heart have ran out an humiliating flame .
Jiaotu death ,dogs cooking ,he is not only the original thought ,see her eyes ,he felt that a woman should own not under the hand .Don Yang Zheng deal with a woman means ,he on earth is a hundred-percent dandy, think this blunder .
relationresult* * *,a woman this fickle thing ,really can go too far ,Yang decided to face this world .Be careful .relationresultNobody cando that to him, dare to him on his first there must be death consciousness .
relationresultYang Zhengzheng prepares toleave to try to .relationresultDistantbarracks uproar, a few long neigh ,Yang Zheng saw camp out horses .relationresultWhile in the horseback with a few faint objects, the horses in the mud and snow mixed gallop on the road ,behind those objects are a few horses in the snow drag .
relationresultYang Zheng onlya few ,almost biting bleeding lips .relationresultThe black stuffis obviously a few people .relationresultAlthoughnot clear who is pulled ,but the head of a knight carrying something he can see clearly .
relationresultIt isby the homing head .relationresultAgas into the Yang .relationresultYang Zhengmengclosed his eyes ,cool ,cool .He took out a M9 draw a knife in the arm .relationresultThe taste of bloodlet his spirit .
relationresultYangyou are not God ,they are deliberately ,if you can ,you don this world .relationresultAt that moment,Yang Zheng felt slightly insane ,he knew that he might make by searching down ,google,but he still could not help produce a sad mood .
relationresultYang Zhengthen indifference to watch a group of soldiers and drag the people ,led by a soldier with a heavy spear barbs with homing head ,raised high ,a swagger before others .
Sometimes laughter ,ha ha .relationresultIn the firstmoment of anger ,Yang Zheng completely cold .relationresultHe alreadyhad the impulsive age ,in fact every time he looks impulsive behavior ,are doing fine calculation ,in the absence of significant to grasp the situation, he usually does not act rashly and blindly .
relationresultBut thisdoes not mean that he must be in complete control of the situation that will fight ,it seems ,any fault calculation is actually a chance of failure .And Yang Zheng body was streaming with adventurers blood ,sometimes for some things success ,he must make some risk decision .
relationresultHestepped back ,as he now was calculated as ,want to come through this line of defence of the probability is too small ,it cannot but he couldn risk unless .relationresultYang politicsrunning in the open desert ,his step solid stable posture ,light ,like a puff of smoke.
Through countless rivers,Facebook, hills .relationresultThe westernregion is vast, Qiu Yuanshan also can send in some roads were stationed, to send more hands to do large-scale search ,because a few days ago nearly a hundred soldiers died, had told them how cunning murderous ,Yang is a wolf,cnn, carpet like search will only let the soldiers go to die .
relationresultTo be looked at thecracked ice ice lake ,Yang heart thoroughly sink .relationresultThis is the lastone to leave the Cang country forces that the Lake Road ,up to a foot thick ice has also been Cang army broke, but a world of ice and snow in the distance in kilometers swim across the lake, Yang asked to bear the deep cold .
relationresultAll the roads weretroops guarded ,unless the Cang domestic path, but it is to die, Yang Zhengceng sneak into clouds near the gates of chaos ,already covered with his portrait .
relationresultYang Zhengblack hair and black eyes is so obvious ,to outfox army almost impossible .relationresultTrouble,only to escape from the Great Rift valley .relationresultTwo thousandpartial camp ,how to do ?relationresultYang Zheng has beencornered ,God made him take the risk .
relationresultAt dusk,it was dark ,rain and snow mixed weather ,today is very large .The camp quiet down ,hiding in the Great Rift Valley near a pile of grass in Yang Zheng peeping barracks .
relationresultThetowers of the lantern in the rickety ,in such a dark weather, lantern to dim the light to the extreme .relationresultIn thelantern that ruler Xu Fangyuan light ,enveloped by homing head .
relationresultHighhang in there ,the snow has already will head was in a complete mess of weathering .relationresultYang Zhengnow looking camp inside the case ,then look up at the stars Related articles:

