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Kilometers outside a rubble ,motionless for an hour ... ... Xiao Han smiles and then superheated runner .relationresultThis is it ,I can lie in one place for three days and nights ! Chen said the rain .
relationresultRain, you seem to have done a sniper ! Xiao Han surprised road .relationresultWhat is a sniper ? Chen rain flutter with big eyes is asked .relationresultNowthan before ,Chen rain more of a spiritual ,rather than a cold ,clear ,this is a good change .
relationresultThe sniper is through special training ,lurking in the enemy cannot discover hidden place, then the enemy suddenly strike people ,is generally used in the army ,kill the enemy generals ! Xiao Han explained .
relationresultThis is the original ,it is our thief skills ah ,God ,you know ,although the thief is beneath contempt ,but in the mainland government party ,our thief is valued ,usually treatment than most of the samurai to high ! The first time .
relationresultI don ! Xiao Han laughing ,no wonder the thieves guild so gain extreme notoriety ,but also on the mainland to survive, so the thieves guild is not primarily cultured Jiminggoudao who, but for the government to develop the assassin !relationresultIf this in thewar, an assassin role may be far more than a soldier ,even can control a war ,no wonder continental thieves so rampant ,so saving things ,who is not willing to do !relationresultThe skyand the eagle in Xiao Han and Chen rain camping continuously over the circled, but Xiao Hanyou grasp of the beast to pull off ,but in this way will disturb the Beast Master ,so Xiao Han absolute using deception plan, deceive the beast .
relationresultAsthe thief ,just scare him into custody ,one night only dare to stay in the rubble ,to move about !relationresultTo scare him,nature is the use of divine consciousness !relationresultHercold eyes closed ,the conscious control and the thief to distance a little distance ,and then as the general ,around them will be all Tibetans or places are plowed over ,beats by dre solo.
relationresultAnd thathide in the rubble of the rogue, suddenly felt a dark cold chill out of his sight ,sweep ,he was scared him with one ,almost surprised he didn pissing in his pants, just a bit ,a little ,but be careful, not too close ,don ,just he did hide that the terror of God General scan !relationresultDays,his knowledge of God has reached four km ,but this need order from strength ,in the organization would be saying the master !relationresultOnce found,the consequences would be, he knows, whether it is in the organization or other hand ,which came to no good end !relationresultXiaoHan is deliberately so ,again using the wind to hide their knowledge of God at the thief exploration ,found the thief had been his frighten fright uncertain ,his head buried in riprap ,did not dare to look up !relationresultTonighthe is not estimated from scrambled out of the rubble !relationresultThe firedied out in the end ,the sky over the eagles magic bestial outward rolling rotary and to the cold and rain ,Xiao Chen quickly remove fake dummy ,to sleeping position placed in the ashes of the fire ,and burned to ashes in the fire smoke from above ,the animal must not resolution on the two men to be false .
relationresultBefore leaving,he launched Hanyou specific knowledge of God is scanned ,the thief will his body buried deeper !relationresultGo ! Xiao Hanyi turned his back on Chen rain shadows ,like ghosts in general was lost in the darkness of the night sky .
relationresultThe 312nd chapter :Inferno Princess ( a ) , relationresultHundreds ofkilometers to Xiao Han is too easy, Chen rain to levitate ,the weight of Xiao Han ?* throw we guide a ship with this road ???roundbad to use this one ,then two oars for a whole .
Paul sucking stirring song = wav , relationresultTransportof God consciousness, directly over the manor ,Xiao Han not found anywhere else in any situation .relationresultRain, tonight cloud manor might be dangerous ,you leave ! Xiao Han whispered Chen rain said .
relationresultBut ,lord ... ... , relationresultYou know my temper ! Xiao Han directly interrupted Chen rain to say .relationresultIt you ! Rain ;eyes was a reluctant, seems to feel something wrong, will quickly look elsewhere .
relationresultWaiting for God to come back, don you asked God ,always can ! Xiao Han gently in the Chen rain brow ,turned it into a breeze ,disappeared in the rain in sight !relationresultAlso ,Chen rain waiting for you come back ! Chen rain at manor direction to oneself a sound ,then bitch a bite ,will integrate into the darkness ,as the .
relationresultBodycoloration nocturnal clothing Xiao Han is like a bat from the air into the house .relationresultWhenthe manor was a half-day ,:to lose one like tiny spots ,the magic lamp light to the abandoned thirty years added a long angry manor .
relationresultOperationand interest formula .Xiao Han carefully looking for a fall down .With the aid of a dead tree cover tracks .relationresultThenew owners and is a manor .It is half a day .
The abandoned for years .Dust everywhere to clean the floor with a new manor .Xiao Han could not resist some admire the new owner .relationresultManorto many people .Xiao Han carefully cast divine consciousness exploration of the past .
The maid ,servant are also many .For hundreds of people .Some work in Xiao cold eyes with ordinary people have no difference .Can buy the house people at least resources should be good .
For some low quality to guard a house servant .It is not worthy of her !relationresultDonspeculate as to the Chen rain analysis .If this manor to new owners with all things it doesn what .
The behind the scenes to why don let yourself get tax one the manor ?relationresultOr thismanor owner is also a guise .Even he himself didn .He quietly exploited by some people .relationresultXiaoHandi stealth, though not necessarily better than Chen rain so professional thief .
But also a professional guide .Plus he ground collect information technique is already reach the acme of perfection than people capacity is higher two of his realm .It is difficult to find him there .
relationresultXiaoHan morning to Manor ,so the manor ground construction and layout can be said to be good ,and in such a short time ,the new owner is to change the style ,is too late .
relationresultAway to bypass several team stealth, watchman servant ,Xiao Han near manor central core architecture .relationresultWas almosttime to go to sleep ,so very quiet night in the manor house ,servants ,who were all asleep .
relationresultThe lighthouse is naturally Xiao Han focus on local ,but most of little value ,so he shaved .relationresultFinally,let Xiao Han found on a very strict yard ,should be the main courtyard house .
relationresultIspread a few whisper ,Xiao Han know that is a mastiff ,it is also a kind of devil beast ,but very low, but the little things smell especially raw human breath ,hundreds of meters can smell and the risk falls is also very sensitive ,easy to tame ,generally the nobles all like to raise several ,used to guard the house .
relationresultThis thingfor ordinary people, nature is unavoidable to be trained with regularity of a thief ,they have many ways to avoid any sense of smell .relationresultAlthough Xiao Han is notthe rain is Chen ,gave him a powder on the clothes, can avoid many sensitive sense of smell of devil beast for the lowest mastiff nature be nothing difficult .
relationresultEasilyfrom several levels is not poor guard into the hospital .relationresultThat severalmastiffs and sensitive sense of smell, seems to find what ,opened his sleepy eyes ,turn Related articles:

