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Will waste the auspicious opportunity and prosperity !relationresultTheft offailure !relationresultHateful!Stealing failed ,Xiao Hua bluntly a dagger to the giant turtle giant left !relationresultAmortar !relationresultNotbroken against !But this is Xiao Huayi volatile matter .
Don fake like attack ,even the characters attack ,I also can not be broken giant turtle defense ,turtle monster is reputed to defense !relationresultGiant turtlefootsteps stopped, huge front down suddenly shot down !relationresultGiant turtlemoves fast and very .
But the attack rate is not very fast, Xiao Hua with the high speed ,easily control their false like lightning to attack in from two or three yards .relationresultAprocess planing ,cheap beats by dr dre, relationresult,,relationresultA largescarlet from fake like head flying !relationresultThis is what determines the scope of .
Nearly three meters of determining the scope of these circles ,is really nothing is too strange !relationresultAftera shot ,giant turtles huge body is flexible to be hardly worthy of belief :the side flash ,aside the false image and raised forefoot shot down !And the cat and mouse movements for , relationresultLike!relationresultTheXiao Hua has preparation early, saw the giant turtle up front ,they advance to one side to hide away ,he retreated to the attack point near four meters ,is finally missed from sea attack .
relationresultGiant turtleis not discouraged ,the body to move, attack again fell ,as it is a fake .Xiao Hua found the giant turtle seems to be such a simple way to attack ,and he was just can can can avoid !If the giant turtle no other special attacks, he might be in the giant turtle kept wandering around can escape and live day .
But he also don want to near the sea turtles .Even want to touch ,the giant turtle attacks he could not escape away from the injured ,false sad situation ,he is absolutely can not stand second under attack .
relationresultXiao Hua haslet the person stopped running ,and then continue to escape to other strange entanglement .At present false image to entangle giant turtle ,he suddenly became safe .
relationresultNow Xiao Huais not only safe ,he seems to use false like stealing the giant turtle !Giant sea turtles in the second can not leave like circumstances .False image can be generous to steal a ,Xiao Hua waited for the false like skill three minute cooldown ends ,to get in front of the false self away ,then summons a new false like out continue to steal and traction giant turtle !But he seems to also like false like exploding skills living consumption dead bone witch ,kill the giant turtle !relationresultThe heart is urticant,Xiao Hua the giant turtle lost an intraoperative identification .
relationresultHissister !It is remembered for his blood long defense turtle monster ,cropland ,old .Export ... ... Physical defense million knives ,such as magic defense 2 !In addition to the giant turtle can restore life ,shellfish called explosion injury fundamentally like scratch him ,just don ,now undead bone witch can not be restored to life, he would take a few days of a few night time ,not now for lack of time, even if you give him a month .
Don want to kill the giant turtle with a little rib .Xiong old injuries ,but in a few seconds it recover !relationresultXiao Hua is going tosteal a late ,the turtles come, according to now he Cai tours to credit your aunt ,Gan giant carved turtle should help students elite level ,otherwise the property should be more properly, the mode of attack is certainly more .
relationresultThoughtstogether, Xiao Hua began to do so .Three minutes passed quickly ,false like skill cooling end ,Xiao Hua immediately let false self ,then call a new image ,and then to the giant turtle rushed past .
relationresultSteal.relationresultMicroI failed !relationresultSteal.relationresultTheft offailure !relationresultThe nexttime ,Xiao Hua began the extremely familiar with the theft and theft of the failure process .
While the giant turtle looks brave .Intelligence is low in general ,are well-developed limbs, simple type !False like pulling stealing for a long time ,is still on the far side of squatting on the ground to watch people ignored !relationresultTheftmay cause concave female mutation .
But it definitely is stealing important items will have this situation ,Xiao Hua die once but is also a double card consumption ,if can steal to help resulting from the variation of the goods ,the goods value is more than a replacement card ,so Xiao Hua is go all lengths to steal a .
relationresultGiant turtlelong rib ,means to steal super low success rate ,Xiao Hua in a string of failed prompt ,soon a bit don .Stealing were quickly for nearly an hour ,before and after stealing nearly twenty times, was also not successful steal a thing !relationresultAfterhalf an hour ,Xiao Hua on the giant turtle speechless ,almost to give up when it .
He was surprised to receive a system prompt !relationresultSuccessful theft!relationresultSystem hint:you get giant sea turtle eggs !relationresultShi YaozhengrelationresultGiant turtleegg :the egg of unknown purpose !relationresultIt isan egg !relationresultThe backpackhas a white giant sea turtle eggs .
Xiao Hua looked at the property ,or of unknown purpose !Prior to Rett to get an unhatched eggs after dark ,and now from turtles to a giant turtle egg !relationresultpet egg ?.Before the black egg he can not judge ,but in front of the giant sea turtle eggs ,but Xiao Hua is sure is the pet egg .
The second world is at present no pets ,but officials have never said no pets ,judging from the present situation ,not open the situation is most likely a giant turtle eggs ,and the property that, also confirmed this point .
relationresultWell !Go ahead. , relationresultTo stealsomething ,Xiao Hua is naturally to be greatly inspired ,ready to make persistent efforts ,many from the giant turtle who fish for a pen .
Other do not say ,Xiao Huagan certainly when it is open to the pet system ,his backpack from the elite concave background produced the giant turtle egg price is not low ,but this is the best defense pet ,only super than natural pet egg to spell with ,but super helps the horse a month before the refresh time ,at present the game although there are a number of successful guild strike .
It is never heard pet eggs to fall out .relationresultAs for those whowere killed how many times the elite concave ,Xiao Hua was the giant sea turtle eggs ,that is definitely dropped some eggs out of, but most also is in the hands of the guild boss .
relationresultBut then,as will appear in the application of change than Xiao Hua imagination is somewhat out of earlier !relationresultSaw thegiant sea huge glans turns, this is red eyes appear to be more colorful number .
Harsh towards Xiao Hua characters at last !relationresultBad,giant sea turtle eggs seems to giant turtle is very important, but it seems to take on a special hatred imprint ,let the giant turtle eggs in know characters backpack !relationresultXiao Huacaifelt bad, giant turtle is .
The network stole it off like lost in the side ,toward the squatting on the floor of the people run over !relationresult* * *,and run !relationresultAgiant turtle changes ,Xiao Hua make false like forward to attack can see the giant turtle hate pull over, found the giant turtle was completely indifferent ,will only return character body consciousness .
Once again run away together .relationresultGiant turtleis really angry ,let fake like near constant harassment ,just pick the way against false like ,and people chase, but not for a moment to stop ,not a few .
False image could not catch giant turtle speed .But the character is also gradually catch up .relationresult! , relationresultSoldiertype turtle from character distance is more and more close ,the giant turtle not black false as case . Related articles:

