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Want to live it to grasp to be ground to open. Seven Yan Fen the car colorful flame in sky is blunt sky of but rise, change into a very hot fire flood dragon of a to make threatening gestures to tie up to round a big hand of that white cloud, meanwhile, chariot in fly seven colourful thunder fireballs again, once a per come in contact with a big hand of that white cloud to explode to open, completely didn't the slightest have scruples about. "Bomb Long Long!" Seven colourful thunder fireballs continuously of explosion, add its trying very hard to of that very hot fire flood dragon to fight, unexpectedly let the big hand of that white cloud directly defeat and dispersed to open. And those seven Yan Fen cars in the sky also become vain gradually, the end faintness arrived to can not see clearly of situation, change into the hand that a green sign 箓 returned to thunderbolt the Holy Mother in. And moreover and simultaneously that scholar inexperienced in worldly affairs then once the Xiu tunic tremble, two a black one visiting of white fish from its cuff of sleeve file in and, connected and formed a huge yin and yang diagram and produced the dint of the strongest attraction on the head and tail at its top of head, once that energy in the white big hand in fine threadsly absorbed into, total of come to say that scholar inexperienced in worldly affairs' pouring is steady in achieve victory, is not worried either, seem some self-confidence. That green temple packs woman really easily self-composed, take out a side makes card shape of the treasure thing urge to move with all strength and unexpectedly still occupied the last breeze. Purple light man then a carelessly, drive the white big hand is near body, jet one mouthful blood, have to be eastern to hide Tibet. Moreover a white big hand dies Gao Yi Si to knead, however Gao Yi Shen applies a burst of green yellow light Xia to greatly put, and still have billowing evil spirit to seethe and cover with that white big hand completely and therein. The momentary unexpectedly makes people can not see clearly and exactly took place what matter. However time that about led half tea, that is vacillating evil to annoy one Ning, one more constringency, the Gao Yi Zheng individual walked out from the evil spirit, while that white big hand then have been already disappeared of without a trace, no one knows Gao Yi is how attained to have no an interest to drop that white big hand solution. "Is quite good, quite good!You indeed as expected have the person of atmosphere luck!Although I was also sealed to print,can divide five wisps of absolute being to read time of insisting a meal effort." Or the voice of that thick mineral, however when this words finish saying, that arm disappears to disappear in the unreal, what to replace is five ways that wear different color clothes person. Five way Human bodies wear clothes of color respectively are, red, green, black, white, Huang, fix for is falsely all chain in the early years and arrived a chain falsely behind expect of shape. Need not say more, that green temple expects after packing the opponent of woman is obviously a chain falsely of Huang Pao Dao person, but the opponent of thunderbolt the Holy Mother, scholar inexperienced in worldly affairs and purple light man then chain falsely behind expect of way person. As for the opponent of high righteousness then the chain was falsely dressed in the way of green tunic person in the early years. Five an opponents of one people, and the real strenght of the other party all invites to want to ran over a head of of their 5 people around unclearly. Meanwhile, they the shape of place space also greatly changed, five square numbers the huge light of thousand Zhangs the cover cover with their 5 people down. Seem a burst of defense to forbid to make strategies and take precautions against them to give° the big palace here break to drop. What about Gao Yi once the mouth smile and looking at in front of green tunic way person, the glory flows to turn of the palm have already silently stretched out cuff of sleeve, is with a downward exposure malicious malicious later on a grasp. Suddenly of, a black ghost claw that sends forth in fine threads green yellow ray of light, silently have no an interest of from that green tunic way the person's top of head on present but, then five fingers penny the green yellow ray of light arouse to shoot but descend, will that green tunic way the person all cover with but descend. However that green tunic way the person is with an upward exposure then beaming with smiles, also a list hand on dragging along, a benefit claw that is green to receive without basis but break open on grasping that black ghost claw to the shot now. See this act, Gao Yi didn't also peep out shocked air, on the face on the contrary is smile don't smile of facial expression. However descend a moment, Gao Yi body in a flash, disappear at at first, meanwhile, that green tunic way the person's top of head on suddenly present the small mountain peak of a jade-green color again, the drop slips away a to turn under change into ten Zhang sizes, the path keeps to with a downward exposure press. But the true pole Xuan of those green yellows in the space light is an anti- book on all sides, again be burst upon of four color cold Yan a solidify, change into 1 F light wall, blockade a green tunic way person but live. "Drink!"1 drinks low to send out, Gao Yi appears at really very absolute being mountain on, use whole body energy, the one punch beats at the summit of hill on. That really very the absolute being mountain is a rock like taking the strength of hundred million sacred mountain, pressed a green tunic way in the person's head a while, let his half body submerge the earth. Arrive at this time, green tunic way person at the moment the noodles permit just tiny tiny on moving, once the cuff of sleeve tremble, numerous leaf-like light knives to arouse to shoot but, cut over there really very absolute being mountain on, however just tiny decelerate for a while really very the whereabouts speed of the absolute being mountain, essentially nothing important effect. "The foreign tribe when appeared this kind of person, you absolutely were a heel we the absolute being clan is similar, can more the rank kill an enemy!" Green tunic way person the air greatly change at the moment, the unbearable openings says, however appreciate to return to appreciate, but the action on the his hand has never stopped bottom. Sees a his hand on choking Jue, the whole body green spirit wildly flows out to change into nine blue flood dragons to curl up at nearby, but the left side and the right side of his head then again appeared moreover two different faces. Three faces, the left side is happy, the right side cuts up rough, in the center that side permit to then have no feelings, icily like one set machine is general. But the all these hasn't finished, green tunic way Human body side those nine blue flood dragons together and together 1 blare to call, drill go into get to his chest in, later on he that chest at a burst of only Xia vibrate in, unexpectedly stretched out an extremely robust arm. Almost is at the same time, his body descends manies also a like tail similar Jian leg. Gao Yi Kan to this shape, in the heart also not from get is of one earthquake, this is the absolute being clan of truely original appearance, three side, three hands, three legs. Whole life two, two living three, three living creation, the noodles, hand of the absolute being clan, all of feet are 3, seem to mean that they are creations to get generally. "Roar!" The green tunic absolute being clan Nu drinks a , pickpocket arm toward top of head on of really very the absolute being mountain is all malicious to bombard but go to, beat the whole slice of worlds of is of a Zhan. True pole absolute being mountain drive green tunic absolute being the clan Be so a burst of to wildly bomb, unexpectedly suspend at first, fall any further not second half divide. But the mountain take over of high righteousness then eyebrows a wrinkly, he don't thought of that the energy of absolute being clan has so greatly, absolutely is to can not imagine at all, with really very the weight of absolute being mountain, add it his bombard with all strength, unexpectedly drive absolute being with falsely early chain clan to resist. This lets with the high righteousness that the strength leads to think Hao,www.beats4monster.co.uk, really didn't thought of. "Hey Hey, boy, you are really very strong, I absolutely can not believe that you are just a monk that turns absolute being for middle.Connect down, I at accompany you to play big." Green tunic absolute being clan Hey once the Hey smile and concentrate the biggest strength later on, toward really very once the absolute being mountain bomb but go to, immediately will really very the absolute being mountain beat back the far outside of several Zhangs, while he then directly changes into by himself together green the surprised Hong receiving penetratedIs true pole Xuan only solidify but become of only wall, arrive at Gao Yi to after death show to turn to be from a body a while, split cranium faces all be dynasty Gao Yi Lun Zhang beat. For the first time Gao Yi heel absolute being clan exchanges blows and watch out for sex is also very high, that is green tunic absolute being clan just 1 rightness he made moves, he felt. The Zhang breeze that asks for help of a green tunic absolute being clan, Gao Yi with breeze Yan form, even the breathing all disappears a while at of world. That is green tunic absolute being clan a shot down empty, don't angry as well, but lackadaisically looking at on all sides, a certain time, he in the center that side permit of forehead up, suddenly opened one to pour Shu the third eyes. This eyes utter darkness is matchless, aimed at a certain direction to project a black light pillar. "Burst Chi!"A sound. That black light pillar penetrated unreal, and then the true body of high righteousness from fall to drop down among them, the corner of mouth still overflows one in fine threads blood and obviously ate a stuffy Kui. "The absolute being clan extremely learns and decide various sky of!" The green tunic absolute being clan shouts at top of voice, the pickpocket arm round moves and change into thousands falsely shadow, the surrounding current of air flows out and seem a carelessly break unreals for the meeting all. Violent in action, wildly irritable, sharp, this decides various sky of to person the first impression is these. The pickpocket arm, three long legs, is beaten where, the unreals there will twist one and don't already oscillate. Gao Yi at the moment is also fight an idea high, not only don't back not to avoid, but also greatly tread forward, once the big hand recruit and greatly fall through to fight pike to appear in the its hand, the whole individual's spirit also the heel greatly fall through to fight pike to mutually fit together and coagulated a silk greatly idea of falling through. "Kill!Kill!Kill!""Fight!Fight!Fight!"2 people's spirit will collides together and immediately produces a strong current of air, who can not also inhibit who, who also win not Related articles:

