
beats by dre studio xpectedly comes toge

The fury pounds at thunder Gang, thunder Gang dead dead of stare at a tall and big in stature man, hoarse way:"Teacher?"
Tall and big in stature man's corner of mouth brings about one thin smile, body suddenly disappear, together break an empty voice to ring out, a way wildly fierce boxing strength explosion is opened, the thunder Gang face has muscular spasms, of one interest almost 20 boxings vigorously force, the thunder Gang right foot steps an one step, and a soil yellow knot boundary covers with whole body.
"Bang bang bang …" soil yellow knot boundary was vigorously bombarded to send out continues sound by the boxing, was a finally a boxing to vigorously bomb to knot boundary on, knot boundary to bomb however fall in pieces, thunder Gang the eyebrows is tiny wrinkly, good great power.
"Very astonishment BE?"Tall and big in stature man's corner of mouth brings about one thin say with smile.
"You …" thunder Gang dignifiedly stares at a tall and big in stature man.
"Ha ha, you teacher of**of strong, all envy old men, at the beginning put out a body to fix one vein, old man for of would be your teacher of**, very great power, be not?"The tall and big in stature man slowly says, its voice is falsely exactly a way, but at this time, the tall and big in stature man nearby and slowly presents a way falsely, the double eye ignores thunder Gang cool say with smile.
The double eyes iciness of thunder Gang goes to a pole of stare at the tall and big in stature man's facial appearance, double boxing grip, suppress heart of great anger, one word a way:"You will I teacher of**refine your divide time?"
Tall and big in stature man's corner of mouth brings about a sneer, cool way:"BE again how?The good good will is subjected to your teacher**contain of strength."Suddenly, way falsely of this unexpectedly is integrated into Tai Xuan**in, both match two to a, strong breathing sends forth to open, but the sky in one roar, that drive thunder Gang the shot fly of the absolute being sword unexpectedly break an air attack and make thunder Gang heart a surprised, the turning round of lightning flash sort towards a rear one punch to bomb.
"Bang!"The one punch bombards at the absolute being sword on, huge dint again pours the absolute being sword and flies but goes to, thunder Gang this one punch but is contained a soil line divide time of six heavy strength, is good enough to and make this absolute being sword shot being ground, fruit not it however, pour and fly a moment in the absolute being sword, turned to make fragment, be struck by lightning by the sky in, disappear open, but together huge Long Hun is to be set free thus, bellow one to rush at thunder Gang.
When the thunder Gang turns round, and Tai Xuan**the way of fusion falsely but is the Sha that turns round in the thunder Gang that, the one punch shot is to the thunder Gang.
Feels back in the thunder Gang of threat of, Long Hun of the front has already hurtled and makes thunder Gang two-sided and attacks from both flanks and makes thunder Gang great anger, the body again changes into a burning dragon of Nu, way falsely of the double boxing breaks empty bomb Long Xing at the thunder Gang**on, but is that move the thunder Gang the slightest, but way falsely of**touch for nine days, but the Xuan fire is since then scorching hot and gobble up, will that soil Huang Jie Jie and true spirit cover directly melt, that dragon soul but is a crazy Ao and goes to a pole, unexpectedly open the big mouth wants to swallow thunder Gang, the thunder Gang roars low a , the body suddenly becomes big, the big mouth is a , will this extremely conceited of Long Hun swallow into a body, while the way falsely see a near body attack disadvantage, roar low a , a ten thousand Zhang Brontosauruseses again gobble up thunder Gang.
The dint of the mentally dense Brontosaurus is strong fierce matchless, unexpectedly bomb the huge body of several thousand Zhangs of thunder Gang to fly, but in the sky thunder Gang but is to look up at sky to roar, the whole thunder buries of the space of ground suddenly the earthquake move.The ground that not only is a thunder to bury of suddenly and violently thunder, connect all spiritual influences of the south of highest boundaries moment bury toward the thunder of ground the deep place gobble up since then, the spiritual influence passage makes strong shocked in succession, dark sigh the thunder buries of the ground exactly took place what matter, but all don't dare to set foot in among them, after all, the thunder buries of the ground prestige smell people it extremely frightened.
Long Xing's body of thunder Gang sharply becomes big, dashing but the spiritual influence going to flowed out to go into thunder Gang inside the body, the spirit of a pound Bo since the thunder Gang broke out to open inside the body, way falsely once the eyebrows lift and peeped out frightened of color.
"What did the very terrible breathing, this son, exactly get in ten thousand years?"Falsely the way heart shouts loudly.
"Ao …" is a to wildly roar to deafeningly ring out, make space Weng the Weng keep ringing, this rant unexpectedly changes into a huge monster of Hong Huang than the huge hammer of the rant is more domineering, make way falsely and the fusion of Tai Xuan of**directly pour to fly to open, way falsely once the complexion tremble, Long Wei looking at front to hugely sweep just like the Qing pillar in the sky since then, the heart frighteneds.
"Burning Long Yi Mai's tradition third war skill, too thou of Nu!"Huge Long Wei contains to ruin the strength that the sky puts out ground, just like God furious, the strong breathing again makes the highest boundary superior shake with fright and more make what them apprehensive not certain BE, why these the in the last years strong breathing present in a row.
If the way falsely and deeply absorbed an air conditioner, suddenly, he big mouth is 1, vomit the purple bead son of a fist size, if is careful, can see, this bead son on unexpectedly have Kowloon to float, strong sky of thunder from sent forth to open among them, this woulds be why the way falsely can attain the dint of Brontosaurus smoothly of highest point of the reason is also a way to falsely and biggestly rely on, at this time, the burning dragon of thunder Gang the third war skill force to achieve wisdom to have to use falsely!
This purple bead son is a , sweep at Long Wei of thunder Gang toward the way falsely of moment, nine Brontosauruses drill from the bead son ……
:Chapter 3.
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The 600th thinks 12 chapter cards in the hands
The voice of "bomb …" several attacks rings out, the thunder Gang uses of burning Long Yi Mai's tradition three war skill Long Wei sweep the terrible strength containing to sweep a way falsely and more accurately say to is the purple bead son that a way falsely takes out in the final reckoning and fly of nine 1 Brontosauruses unexpectedly block at way falsely of in front,beats by dre studio, substitute a way to falsely connect under this is arrogant of burning the war skill of Long Yi Mai.But the strong impact dint falsely falls back 100 meters the way, but way falsely double the eye reveal intensely hot, the face presents a self-confident color more and stares at that Kowloon that ties up to round thunder Gang Long Wei.
The thunder Gang once turned huge group leader to looking at those nine Brontosauruses and bombarded war A that the huge hammer of thunder Gang turns just like a way day thunder, this is …the thunder Gang looking at Kowloon and looking at a way falsely the purple ball in the hand, not only puzzle, Kowloon?Just have in the bead son that this isn't the small Cape to get?…Is this to mix thunder bead?This mind is in the brain of thunder Gang one Shan but lead, at this time, the thunder Gang has already had no time thinks whether really mix thunder bead, this Kowloon clips the destruction dint taking to make to feel more the Wei pressing.
"Letting me coming to swallow them is nine and compared that thunder to work properly not to know high class how much doubly."The thunder emperor's voice rings out, these are falsely thunder Gang and way after fighting, the thunder emperor makes a noise for the first time.
"Etc. …thunder emperor, this Kowloon doesn't gobble up first, you repress this Kowloon then can.If you want ~only the attention gobbles up the dint of his mentally dense Brontosaurus then can" thunder Gang soft-voiced way, he also indetermination this exactly whether mix thunder bead, if is really, this bead wants to stay to the small Cape naturally.
"H'm!"Thunder emperor response way, a purple ray of light suddenly now, and way falsely and suddenly the facial expression Be tiny to change and roar low 1 and urge and begin medium purple bead son, that attack thunder Gang Kowloon of Long Wei rapid to way falsely fly to, way falsely chillily stare at thunder Gang Long Wei suddenly bloom of purple long grass, before he thought of give him a difficult to express Wei and press of thunder emperor, this mixs thunder bead is way falsely at this the thunder bury of the ground get and get behind, way falsely and directly swallow into a body, put in the pubic region, ask for help of and mix thus the thunder bead contains of the dint of the thunder line to break a Brontosaurus of dint, the realization after 1,000,000 years, way falsely and finally come to an a Brontosaurus of the highest point of the dint, leave a mentally dense Brontosaurus of dint only have little difference, and this again let thunder emperor incitement way falsely progress by leaps a mentally dense Brontosaurus of dint, but all these, way all falsely return knot and mix thunder bead, and mix thunder bead in of Kowloon, he also once tried a control, at this time face thunder Gang that terror of on sweeping, have to be evocable and mix thunder of Kowloon in the bead.
Kowloon is rapid to return to a way falsely and nearby, way falsely brains in suddenly a bright, the heart reads a to move and tries to let Kowloon blend to an and holdses to mix thunder bead, way falsely vision a bright, roar low a , nine Brontosauruses imitated a Buddha to really feel way falsely of intention, unexpectedly comes together to together melt to put together, but the way falsely and suddenly thoughted of again the huge hammer of previous thunder Gang changes into the huge monster to blend thunder Gang whole body of shape, the heart has much of self-confidence towards mixing thunder bead it may be said and affirms more to mix thunder bead to is a strong absolute being machine, right away, the way falsely and again drinks low a , way:"Match."Nine Brontosaurus fusions enter for a huge Brontosaurus suddenly from the way falsely of top of head infusing a crest but.
Together dazzling and purple ray of light one Shan but after leading, way falsely of the figure gradually present, purple Long Xing fights A package way falsely all over, peeped out that tall and big in stature Related articles:

