
monster beats e face of the light

Broken the Bodhi wood by the gilded buddha .If they could not do Zhuntidaoren and the priest ,that they can ,but can not do those Bodhi wood by the gilded Buddha ,this is some make them difficult to accept .
relationresultIf it is beforethe large array of light world ,the six world saints together hand ,nature is easily destroyed ,but now as array eyes is not innate spirit root tree, but the priest ,so, nature is not the same ,in the human body have a great merit ,he presided over the large array ,such word ,the Bodhi wood by the gilded Buddha nature is also infected with the supreme merit ,nature is not to be split is bad ,the Bodhi large array is not so easily broken .
relationresultSeehis stroke and did not play a role in the bright world ,six world people want flash the Bodhi large array ,but did not think they just action ,the Bodhi large array in a gilded Buddha is action, will light the world six big world surrounded by saints ,did not attack the Vatican ,is a sound of singing .
relationresultFobencompassion ,nature is not to attack the bright world six big world of saints ,and of the human purpose is only to trap the bright world six big world of saints ,so that they can Pangea Sunday world as well ,as for other things are Zhuntidaoren to do .
relationresultI sawZhuntidaoren is floating body to Bodhi large array ,facing the surrounded six bright world world sage ,also did not say anything ,directly over the hand in a flash ,a string of exudes a milky white light beads is appeared in his hands ,then swung toward the light ,the world world sage over the past .
relationresultItexudes a milky white light beads is Zhuntidaoren condensed out of the relics ,there is a total of one hundred and eight teeth ,each one all contain a ground rule ,power strong ,mana inexhaustible ,but Zhuntidaoren the refinery is one of the most powerful of .
Display ,is to lead towards the six bright world world sage to hit .relationresult , relationresultThe 606th chapter congenital Hydrangea , relationresultAlthough theworld for the saints ,but around nine world world saints be congenitally deficient ,no Pangu Sunday world of the six world and saints as well ,plus the Lingbao no Pangu Sunday world world saints badly ,this makes around nine world world saints were being Pangu Sunday world world Saint trapped and tied up ,so that they could not enter into the Pan Gu Sunday world .
relationresultTheroad and Zhuntidaoren arrangement under the Bodhi large array ,in which the priest ,presided over a large array of light ,the world six big world Saint siege in which ,then Zhuntidaoren is summoned a bunch of one hundred and Eight Buddhist relics, into a light to light the world six big world the saints to hit .
relationresultZhuntidaorenalthough in Pangea Sunday world six big world saint of strength is not very high ,only in the Nu Wa empress ,but in the face of the light world of these world saint when, is demonstrated enough strength ,the one hundred and eight relics as one eight zero eight meteors as at the light world six world of saints ,though not to the world of the sage caused substantial damage ,but also let the world saint can Bodhi large array ,the world of light and the saints tied up .
relationresultAnd nowhe Sunday world only Nu Wa empress and nine in the world of the world of death six world saint ,and the two party is also in various world Saint hands the moment it is played .
Nu Wa empress is a woman ,but in the absence of holiness is the evil spirit race before the king ,for fighting with others that is slightly inferior to the other world .relationresultIn the world of deathsix big world of saints are dressed in a black robe ,even the head is a cover, only two flashing red from the cloak is revealed ,and the two red light is like beating the flames, and unlike the eyes ,on the six in the world of death and the saint the body said the inexhaustible death breath ,let a person very uncomfortable .
relationresultIn everydeath world world Saint hands are holding a white wand ,however hold a hand is a bone of the arm, it is easy to guess out the robe and cloak the hidden is a skeleton .
And with death in this world behind the world of death army also proved this point ,because the force is with skull .relationresultNu Waempress wearing colorful Xia Yi ,appear very holy and beautiful in the world ,Pangu Sunday six world of saints ,although Nu Wa empress as is the merit of holiness, strength minimum ,but most people are and ,most mortals admire world holy people ,this is because the goddess goddess created the Terrans,monster beats, and the heaven and the protagonist is ,as long as the presence of a day, then the goddess goddess migration will prosperity has been down ,and Nu Wa empress cast water into the Thames ,kneading made man merit is that the three worlds of Nuwa Terran heartfelt admiration .
relationresultNu Waempress floating body to death six of the world world sage before, also did not say anything, such as white jade hand over ,a piece of picture is appeared in her hands ,but the figure is mountains and rivers ,Nu Wa empress is the most powerful one to Ling Po ,the last ever lent Sun Wukong to deal with the hole jade ,Kong Yu is trapped in a period of time .
relationresultSummonmountains and rivers state diagram, Nu Wa empress turn toward the air back ,suddenly the mountains and rivers state diagram is flashing light disappeared in the void ,and that in the world of death six world sage see Nu Wa empress summons magic weapon should not attack them ,began to have some doubts, but then also is toward Nu Wa empress rushed in ,but to the goddess goddess in front of you is a disappears .
relationresultLook at theworld of death six world entered the chart as saints ,Nu Wa empress smiling a little ,then also build flash into the mountains and rivers state diagram .The mountains and rivers state diagram is goddess goddess of nature is innate ,and Nu Wa empress empathy ,Nu Wa empress by random control .
relationresultThepreviously entered into the chart as the six in the world of death and into the mountains and rivers of the saints in the picture then entered a fairyland ,a were respectively isolated into the mountains and rivers ,the goddess mother mother looked at by the map is separated from the six death world world sage ,hand is turned, a red Hydrangea is appears in her hands ,glittering and translucent red ,this is the goddess Nuwa congenital red hydrangea .
relationresultThis onecongenital Lingbao is first in the treasure on the cliff income ,not just a ball ,but the power is so powerful, even the Pangu Sunday world world be caught off guard by the sage ,in under the red Hydrangea to hit ,even if not injured ,also smashed a somersault ,visible this congenital red Hydrangea how might have .
relationresultIn the world of deathsix big world of saints is certainly not able and Pangu Sunday world and put on a par with the saints ,so this goddess goddess congenital red Hydrangea to the death world world sage is threatened .
In the diagram of the stealth as Nu Wa empress ,looking at one of the world of death and saints ,the movement ,the congenital red Hydrangea is toward that person blew past .relationresultCongenitalred
Hydrangea turned into a red light ,at the death world world saints broke past ,the world of death and be caught off guard by the saints in is not simply to escape ,one is the congenital Related articles:

