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As before ,but now absorbed beliefs power at the time ,Kong Yu is still feeling the meridian space expanding .relationresultButthe benefits of this nature ,Kong Yu is never too much more broad space ,meridians ,he can store more infuriating ,have mana is larger ,this makes Kong Yu hope these belief strength is naturally more better .
And Kong Yu after more than an hour to absorb ,finally is the huge faith power absorption clean .relationresultAbsorbed overreligious beliefs ,Kong Yuyi Dodge is the sky came to earth ,and just into the earth, Kong Yu felt a strong vitality world face ,even Kong Yu celestial world strength strong ,but for now the earth so strong vitality world also feel surprised the .
relationresultKong Yu looked down at theKyushu Chinese ,feel China Kyushu contains strong vitality world ,looking at the earth China this for hundreds of years to change ,heart and feelings .
While in Kong Yu feelings, in China Kyushu in is actually has a lot of self-cultivation atmosphere ,although the flavor is very weak ,but it is already reached the innate realm ,this in former times are extremely uncommon ,however now the innate breath is actually to everywhere degree .
relationresultSuch changestoday China Kyushu is becoming stronger and stronger, which makes Kong Yu was glad, and at this time ,Kong Yu is found in China Kyushu is the center of the place stands a high up on a kilometre statue ,the statue was not human ,it was his own ,this makes Kong Yu a stunned .
relationresultWhile Kong Yu isthat this must be the first execute foreign real person of Xiu the consequences of leaving ,but Kong Yudao is not thinking of Chinese people will actually is to get such a statue ,but also let Kong Yu very accidental ,but Kong Yu is also not to notice, but the move, right into the earth sector .
relationresultBecause theprimary purification ,Shushan sword sends the two sects and the rest of the family are hole jade broke up ,so now the earth sector only Kunlun pie and external door ,and this time the earth sector in the world five strong vitality more ,and even to some time go to heaven ,this makes Kong Yu heart is also very happy ,at least in this case, his parents and relatives here practicing don worry about him .
relationresultWhen Kong Yuappeared on the earth sector over the moment ,an immensely tall figure is appeared in front of him ,while in the hands holding an axe and a large shield ,it is the family of the punishment ,in which the earth sector only the strongest days of punishment the first time is found ,the arrival of Kong Yu .
relationresultThepunishment was found my head ,because I heard that the earth China Malay blood ,so we are here in China came to earth ,the Malay blood is Malay last blood ,to the continuation of the Malay ,Xing Tiancai chose to come to earth in China ,demons door ,protecting Malay blood .
relationresultAndthe punishment of charge ,demons gate development is rapid more many, at least the Swire having a great reputation in the guidance ,demons door children practice are quickly many, demons of the whole door strength in this for hundreds of years is the rapid growth ,now even the Kunlun pie is not and Demons door counterbalance .
relationresultThepunishment to Kong Yu before ,a tiger eye stare at ,one At hole jade ,who broke out huge momentum ,holding the axe and shield hand is the faint voice trembled ,and trembled at Kong Yu and said, you reach the ancestor witch realm ?How to do ? The punishment for the first time is felt Kong Yu ancestor witch atmosphere ,so it will be so excited .
relationresultNo matterwhat a great wizard ,can achieve the ancestor witch realm are that they desperately need ,while the most hope to achieve the realm is the progenitor of Chi You ,but the big witch Chi You last fall ,leaving a condensed systemic essence double angle ,then the hope is the punishment ,and although he had Chi You double angle ,but not their absorption ,but keep its promise ,the pair of angle to hole jade .
relationresultBut inmy heart the ,to reach the realm of desire or very progenitor ,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com,so see hole Yuda to the realm ,the nature in the heart is extremely excited ,is at once asked Kong Yu how to do it .
Kong Yu for the punishment is of great respect ,listening to my words to tell of the punishment of their ancestor witch is how to break through to the realm ,however at this time ,a time is coming toward Kong Yu .
relationresultSubsequentYuqing reality ,Shi potian ,Huaan ,Kong Ming ,Shi dream et al is appeared in front of Kong Yu ,to see their relatives arrived ,Kong Yu to the punishment for a laugh ,it is up to your parents ,and a stone saw Kong Yuhou tears ,to hold Kong Yu ,which makes Kong Yu feel the strands of stream flow in the heart .
relationresultKong Yu lookedback ,everybody face is filled with a smile ,the punishment is want to know how Kong Yu achieves the ancestor witch realm ,but this time also will not disturb their reunion ,only aside quietly waiting for ,but the punishment of the anxiety on her face look is more and more obvious the .
relationresultseek flowers and VIP tickets ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 567th chapter dragon ring ( in secret ) , relationresultKong Yuin paradise practiced for hundreds of years ,this time is once again returned to the earth of China ,met his parents ,the nature in the heart is also very happy ,but Kong Yu also felt behind the punishment of the anxious mood, see this is Malay made much contribution to the big witch achieve the ancestor witch realm desire ,so there is no and your parents too much talk .
relationresultIn thenarrative after a while, Kong Yu Lu equality from the public ,bell inside out ,Lu Ping they are all have their own family ,because they have become a disciple of Kong Yu ,their family is naturally by demons door prop up energetically ,make them these people also went on the road repairs also ,parents are alive ,so see returned to China ,are back to their family went to .
relationresultDoneafter the event ,Kong Yu turned to the punishment of a nod of the head ,is build flash toward the sky to fly ,and the punishment of saw Kong Yu action ,Kong Yu is naturally know what to do ,immediately excited shout, a stamp, the whole people is like a cannonball .
Kong Yuzhui went to two individuals in the twinkling of an eye ,is lost in the crowd .relationresultShi potian,Yuqing reality et al also had observed the punishment of anxiety ,the drum having a great reputation in the period of strong ,they have always been very respectable ,but the punishment he is also extremely protective Malay ,is affected by the external door the respect of all ,to see Kong Yu and the great witch my leave ,is naturally know they have something important ,also do not have to ,all is back to the door quietly waiting to .
relationresultKong Yu andthe punishment in the blink of an eye is to outer space ,and far away from the earth of China ,promoted progenitor Wu state, in addition to the enormous energy to break through nine to sixth turns mysterious realm, there is a very important point is to understand itself will prowess, also is the one rule strength the cultivation ,my ancestor witch Juwang wood is a magical ,it is because of this, even if the head was cut, the punishment is still a very strong vitality ,has been living up to now . Related articles:

