
beats by dre studio hd too younger brother

, Di the bird be still roaring, Qin Gang simply"Ceng" the ground is a , took out a double-edged sword to come out, one word a ground say:"You are this negative minister rascal, I want to make you splash with blood 3 Chinese feet today."
Di the bird sneer say:"You kill over world person?!If world person if really don't make a sound, they give your is loyalty, still wait in the future one day, fence in you, similar treat?!Now then outside enemy side, the brothers quarrels, you aren't afraid of all various Hous to feel your falsely speech not agreeable, is take by force a younger brother ground river's mountain?!"
This is exactly what Qin Gang worries, otherwise, Qin Fen early should be not in the human life.
Qin Gang is dumbstruck, think the full dynasty text's force talk with oneself, all things concealed Hui, fear one some sensitive problems of carelessly running up againsts, dare from no man don't so not know dangerous, though unpleasant to hear but yell very very clearly, loosenned to threw sword, let it the frailty voice fall to the ground, in a flash, fixed somebody son to also be like to lose power of ball.
Di the bird see this scene, know he is said voice in the center by he, say:"The set prince refuses gentleman, the end is an opposed by the masses and deserted by fo, Wang Shi De in Yung-loh, the world beard his majesty saves it, his majesty be accept for a sky, life, agreeable public, is as in peace and harmony as brothers, totally resist a strong enemy.Please according to the offering suggestion of minister, his majesty immediately Jian throne, seal king in Yung-loh as emperor too younger brother, promise an elder brother eventually younger brother and, with interest country in the house!"

The second shot Rang courageously the song chapter 3195 of Jian throne, the soldier certainly defeats to send Jiang minister(29)
Renew time:2009-5-214:12:08 chapter word numbers:6668

Qin Gang sees Di the bird shove wear a to roar, the Lin Lin flounces a few arms, oneself downwards the noodles walk to, the fury in heart is more prosperous, right away the handle knob raises half empty in, roar say:"Chase him ……"
He still wants theory place one die method, remember oneself just had already said to"cut in half", on the contrary the son accepts to fill with anger and jumps Ta a short moment and says with the voice of still enough Nu a while:"Temporary-accept him to escort in front of official hierarchy!"Subsequently and thoroughly quelled a fury, said:"Hand over to a group of minister theory place."
A side waits on the body in medium Gong, the small voice says:"The male argument canned not pay, this matter son leads long to pull a long joy king, courtier which also can not open."
Qin Gang is some to shockedly return overdo, get to stone column a side, use hands press on pressing, go toward outside see go, the grandfathers already palm red-light cage, although big ministers kneel,the nothing important worries the business of physical labor and points at to ask:"These personal inside, many people once made Qin Tai go beyond proper bounds to call a king of?!The Gu hands over the argument Qin Tai's articles, quite a few people is all nti- Ge is one shot, the Gu is some to tremble at heart."He once bends face and approached to wait on a medium face and almost wanted to stick up, until wait on in enter to make beat a cold cicada, this just dark say with smile:"From cluster the minister argument is some kind of, so as to see their sincerely?!You also descend to go."
Wait on a medium hesitation way:"The long joy king differs from Qin Tai, Qin Tai is an offense minister, he is ……this argument, no man dares to open mouth, but once letting out with the information, very and easily becoming settled situation."
Qin Gang didn't speak, flicked to wave hand and said:"Not definitely?!"
Wait on medium wrinkly several knit the brows, the square slow step retreats.
Qin Gang looking at him to disappear and recruits to an eunuch and wave hand to let other persons under go, the square motionless and distinctively says:"Did the map take to come over?!"
Eunuch hurriedly a don't lantern, take out one hard paper of folding from the bosom, the hands pass in the past, the small voice said:"Maidservant is just came to hand an inside, turned over open have a look."
Qin Gang pointed to point the light in the his hand.Lend light to turn over to open, urgently turn over to open several eyes, cut up rough one way of tremble, drinking:"Mix Zhang."
The eunuch Na Na ground says:"The maidservant is also to feel so, this map once falling into thief's hand, growing the city in month is to see at a glance.Those businessmen also really isn't a thing, all push to break the head joins in the fun, really would like to pay."
Qin Gang sighed an one breath, clipped an among those pieces to the ear to tremble and said:"Must make him spend money.Have no power then no man attach it.Only Be granting favor to its party feather and making him very poor.Just can will his party feather soldier not the blood blade drop and hand to sign puppet by that time, he also lifted not to rise what wind waves!"
The eunuch says:"13 stares at not to live.He does this to do that, don't give outsider and recruit comer all kinds of, is all his people of the same group.If want to make him spend money, really not that easy.
Qin Gang hands over to the eunuch the map and says:"Since is the demand for going into business, the imperial government also publishes some, not is to say that he persuades one large numbers of non-Han nationalities and prepares to do trade to go, make Ya door in the place difficult, difficult, if those people's money accept not to come back, will be hostile to each other and remember with him.The all things wants with your private names, must not make people hold tight a hold ……"
The eunuch says:"His majesty.You haven't to know, he and trillion Yin in the city pull ascend relation, ride a general house to also lead long to pull with car not pure, forbid soldier up have manily persons to all see not and deeply.It is also fawning on him.He front the day get hurt, to once the bed lie, don't do anything, is still a guest Xi Rang, the gift list becomes full circle.
"He wants to spend money, hello.Front west some rich men of the Long is tirelessly.The behind is the silver car of a per, whole is a crack troops and horses convoy."
Eunuch for expressing to handle affairs of difficulty.Exaggerate a little.
He is an eunuch, also the lane don't understand the matter on the business field, should only Ma Da Dun Yao's son takes a silver car to come to city is to Di the bird send money.
Qin Gang was lived by the words town of eunuch, said:"The En doesn't live, if can not use, only afraid really keep a tiger to bring trouble.Do you feel is sentence to death him, still believe that he is a loyal minister?!"
He the Yi Yi dress tunic, Huo Huo forward, the eunuch shouted that the person follows him to descend to go together.
Arrived an underneath, Di the bird is the opposite that is penned in the cluster minister by the bodyguard, many big ministers have been already knelt to keep and make a row and kill.Qin Gang feels that this with one action moves anti- the minister pouring to allow him to accept cluster kowtows, not pleased, however consider, own meaning really makes people keep on escorting him and arrives public in front to exhibit to the public and have to turn a blind eye.
He walks to arrive above and says:"You all have a look, the Chang talks not guilty, and the Gu is an audience today."
A hair, beard glistening old minister to before climb an one step, say:"Is long to enjoy the king's business, minister not say, but this person must kill."
His beard trembles indiscriminately and cuts up rough Hao to call:"Does the his majesty still remember the Hou of summer Wu Lyu Fou?!That rascal Ru my king and his ministers, humiliate ancestral temple in the royal house, make old all the minister work go a king and his ministers big gift for him, with subordinate the night is old palace, alcohol seek joys, it is said that is old all behind the temple imperial concubine neither escape by sheer luck, a lot of all be pregnant Yun, this is how the terrible humiliation, if does the his majesty not is to kill him, how see forbears?!"
Qin Gang although knowing that he chooses the easier way, is still a complexion an is cold.
Is close behind, and then there is a courtier agreeing with,beats by dre studio hd, parlance is exactly the same, just say that the humiliation wants to wash and brush after knives, but also someone don't utter from cradle to the grave.
Severals speak down, Di bird absentminded, regret that oneself is full have no the matter can do, once the courage come up and run here and king old son blind Rang Rang, now sees in heap, or could not sees understanding ground toward the person, feel more can't someone ask for a favor for himself, but hear a person saying:"The Qi moves his majesty, elder brother eventually younger brother and, a hundred years return a government at the long joy king after, as well is a way of all effect public, just but should not take out a discussion, the his majesty Gan key link only broke and then wented and paid to the liege man discussion, will arouse various right and wrongs."
Di the bird is stable the prospect for having a little flower ground, scrutinize to go, is a text officer who kneels position before depending, the beard is exuberant, hold one in hand tube Chien, again have a look a flank, finally recognize a person, scholar sheep Du, he stares at sheep Du and immediately thoughts of the view Tang in summer, the in the mind dies Ai Zai.
Qin Gang the position that walks to°from a side that person, took advantage o that person to keep on lying prone, saw toward the sheep Du.
The sheep Du is forced Qi to say:"Tiny minister and Bo space expect especially acquaint with, inconvenience openings.Just the minister feels, young people not and more matter, his majesty should already at enmity with he disputes."
Di one Leng in the bird heart, dark way:"Does he ask for a favor for me?!Unexpectedly put on an act the ground avoid suspicion and avoid what suspicion come?!"
Qin Gang downwards stands down to go, a big minister immediately the side lead a body and aimed at to once speak of the text Related articles:

