
dr dre beats e old Fen wine in S


Stay by the side one cupboard huge wealth, but even can penny salary money not take?To isn't too absurd?

Chen Xiao feels some to be getting iner distress situation.

Arrived to pay salary of day, oneself always can not take a piece of gold brick to go out to sell?

Still have, a so big store, if don't come back for old headman a month ……how to do the bill like rent the utilities??Always can not take gold brick to hand over a fee!

Chen Xiao is a bit absentminded, from behind of came out in room, return to outside of store hall, and then after running into a counter, looked into cash register inside.

Is alas ……indeed as expected!

The cash register inside is to sweep to slip away-early should thought of, all have no business here, cash register inside how can rich.

Being just stunned is medium, Chen Xiao suddenly hears a tinkling, the store door is pushed away, a figure is very light to walk to come in.

Yi?Incredibly will there is guest?

After all once did in the fast food shop as well, Chen Xiao immediately bowing of conditioned reflex hello:"Welcome."

The guest raising head to see come, Chen Xiao Dai lived!

Incredibly ……incredibly is ……BE ……

Really is a beauty!!!!!

The first's seeing to see this beauty Chen Xiao's reaction is surprise.

The second sees in the past and was getting more shocking!

Say with friends, Xu Er Shao,'s words-"bring calamity to the country and the people!"

United States arrived a super big beauty who bring calamity to the country and the people the Class,beats by dre studio, incredibly hall but emperor of walked into this desolate arrived the cafe of extremity.

Engaging shape, the proportion is well-balanced to make people sigh, about 165 or so heights, the soft breasts is outstanding, waist limb but Ying Ying is on holding, if drive once the breeze blow, imitating Buddhases can float with the breeze to.A head of bright black long hair and shoulder, tiny have some natural curl.The face of milli- without blemish, the skin blows to play break, not the least bit well-dressed ladies, young and delicate delicate of skin white in contain several cents healthy youth of red and dizzy.That eyes eyelash is long long, make a pair of bright of Mou son again even added several hazy pleasant impression of dividings, so at will of one eye, have already taken one unspeakable and effeminate.

Fall into Chen Xiao's eyes, his in the mind is unique at the moment present of only four words:The smoke sees Mei to go!

This female kid saw Chen Xiao in counter, the look in the eyes showed unintentionally one silk curious and accident, can immediately discover a himself/herself of lookinging at of Chen Xiao Zheng Zheng, not from get the corner of mouth also present one silk to smile a line.

This female kid lightly floated to walk to come in, that body Zi was standing apart, and the one step is 1 line, imitates Buddhas to all take lightly moving Zi.

Say a sincere talk, Chen Xiao is long so big, once saw many beautiful female kids as well in virtuous college at the radicle, can but have never seen which female kid walk can walk so good-lookingly!

The female kid imitates a Buddha to carelessly walk to inside in the store hall, at will sought a sofa to sit down, saw Chen Xiao Yi's eye, then tiny tiny on smiling, stretch hand on the table lightly on clapping, speak up.

The voice is light and soft but doesn't get fed up with, imitating a Buddha Huang Ying in the valley is general.

But ……

Words of saying, but immediately Chen Xiao pulled out from appreciate of the fancy.

Is only because, this is beautiful to be different from the person's beauty, the contents of words say, seem to be also to be different from a person very much!

"Is small two!Slice two catties of beefs, there is first-class good wine tube beating 1 catty, again at will ascend a few refreshing small vegetableses come!!"

(BE a person to have to be honest and kind, read and hit a ticket~)




The text chapter 25 【Phoenix 】


Chapter 25 【Phoenix 】

The beauty of such a disaster water class, but speak such a stage dialogue, Chen Xiao glowered Jing first to see the other party in a short while, then the eye pupil turned to turn, Shi Shi however behind walked out from the counter, without extra trouble take a dish cloth at shoulder up, arrive at beauty in front, cough a , in no hurry say with smile:

"Dare to ask this guest officer, the beef contains first-class ox meat and also has already stewed beef, you where kind?"

Beauty that double of eye pupil for working properly turned to turn and contained to smile an idea, but intentionally thick throat:"The every variety slices 1 catty!"

"What about that wine?"Chen Xiao squints Jing:"The white spirit has the first-class pass to outside burn knife, old Fen wine in Shanxi.The rice wine contains red form dollar red daughter of Shaoxing and also has already added rice home-brew."

"Pick each good ascend 1 bottle!If dare Chan the least bit water, spread one failed you this store!"The beauty smiling face with willing to wound look-good tone!Is even coming out"spread a house",wanted to play Lu Zhi deep?

Chen Xiao is in all seriousness:"That small vegetables that take with wine comes to a disc of crisp chicken for you, the bubble jellyfish of a disc of Chen Su, one the dish sauce noodles a round flat cake son, come to a small spring onion again to mix bean curd, most is clearness.The guest officer says how?"

The beauty finally stretched tight not to live and hard looking at Chen Xiao:"Are not you cafes?Really there are these things?"

Chen Xiao imitates a Buddha smile for a while, this just long sighed tone:"Drive you so on saying, I just just thought of, originally I am to open cafe."

Suddenly, once the beauty facial expression change and drink a way:"The Wu is that man, eat also have no, drink also have no, want to starve to spread a house to be not!"

Chen Xiao isn't panic either, also on striking table, 1 of Pa, stare to drink a way:"The Wu is this old woman Niang, not very understanding!Dare to come to pick a quarrel here, can know this storekeeper person is who!"

2 people mutually saw meeting son and all burst at the same time Chi a smile.

"Can you be really interesting, is newly arrived?"The beauty side wears head, a such as Hao jade general of the arm prop up head and turn head sideways to conjecture Chen Xiao, the hair natural Qing leaks in one side, but peeps out another one side snow-white neck, show Chen Xiao one eye, not from get the heart palpitates have some acceleration-this female kid is really disaster water of demon class!Once one Pin smile, all all the time don't show unintentionally the magic power of hanging up the person!

Chen Xiao saw two eyes and hurriedly took back a look in the eyes not to dare to see more:"I just could not went to work for an hour."

"That was the New appointee."The look in the eyes of beauty peeps out curious:"The moxa old man sub- temper is also so peculiar, incredibly recruited New appointee.Ha ha, however you are much more interesting than that ultra conservative old guy."

While talking, she a pair of eyes looking at Chen Xiao's eyes, that Mou son inside takes one to let unclearly people irresistable invisible strength, imitate a Buddha as long as you saw one eye, will cannot help but be drawn on into.Twisting of Chen Xiao difficulties over the head, cough two, just positive color way:"Do you exactly want to use what?The type of beef white spirit naturally, even if I would liked to give you the footman to buy, the neighborhood didn't also see what restaurant."

"You are pretty interesting, what name do you call?"Beauty's seeming interest in Chen Xiao is bigger.

"Chen Xiao, ear east Chen, natural and unrestrained Xiao."Chen Xiao's honesty answers.He looking at in front, this beautiful girl, in the mind but is guessing the identity of the other party:Is also the person of that service center?Is a so beautiful female kid also a remarkable talent?What will her remarkable talent be?

"My remarkable talent is a mind reading."The girl stares at Chen Xiao's eyes, suddenly lightly said such a!

Chen Xiao frightenned to jump, surprised shout a , the staying back of subconscious is two, lookinging at of surprise girl.

"What remarkable talent isn't your in the mind guessing my meeting?"The girl's facial expression is as if nothing has occurred, long hope Chen Xiao:"You since can here, so affirmation can't be a common run of people, either."

Chen Xiao think for a while, just slowly fall calm, but watch out for of looking at a girl:"You are getting wronger, I am still really a common run of people, I can't what remarkable talent."

The girl has some accidents, the side head stared at Chen Xiao to see meeting son, and the facial expression was more and more curious:"Yi?You incredibly say of is true words?I can read your viewpoint!Do you really have no remarkable talent?"

"It originally was true words."Chen Xiao is a bit helpless:"Can you don't read my idea?"

"It is curious just."The girl shakes, but sees Chen Xiao Yi's eye, the look in the eyes is in a short instant cold to come down:"I know that person all fear their own ideas be seen through.I this remarkable talent doesn't know a quilt as well how much person disgust.You also need not set up for as if nothing has occurred."

Chen Xiao pondered meeting son, slowly way:"Say from the essence, I don't like that my own thought is at will seen through as well, after all the everyone don't like that his/her own privacy is trailed and discovered.However ……I think that you should be that kind of the person who likes to literally trail and discover other people's privacy."

"How to see?"The girl is cold to see Chen Xiao.

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