
beats by dre solo age did not think

? There is no off anything valuable ? Unique war started ,was worried about .relationresultHey ,good luck ,do not hang Xiao Hua hey hey laugh .relationresultThat . Unique war relief .
relationresultBut it never made into a class ,it is nothing to do ,I want to find eighteen touch that guy to discuss , relationresultYou want to know his location ? Unique war one Leng ,immediately understood what Xiao Hua wanted to do .
relationresultNice.You do not know there is no way , relationresultOf course.This guy in a kamikaze guild in popularity very badly, a lot of people he is hated, want to know his whereabouts is not difficult ! Unique war a little excited to say .
He was killed off Yao experience .But now his temper !He had wanted to go eighteen touch this guy ,but do not have the evidence ,he is not good hands-on .His star guild and guild is a guild League kamikaze ,otherwise his character ,had to swallow this tone !relationresultBut I find him ,you will not get in trouble ? , relationresultEighteen touchhas identified him with unique war is a group, homicide and unique war killed, eighteen touch .
There was no difference .relationresultWhat fear ,he can produce evidence to say ! Unique war sneer .relationresult,you ask to see this guy now in humility ,if approached ,I go over there right now ! , relationresultYou wait ! Unique war is unable to hold oneself back a bit .
After a few minutes .relationresult!This guy is good, I know, it is no one knows where he is ?.Unique war melancholy voice .relationresultI just got an interesting news .But in the meantime ,kite boron suddenly in the information !relationresultSandtown ,a very common house, a number of female game player in front of the house and stopped ,a black female Rabbi finger in the door gently touched ,closed doors immediately screeched to a apart .
relationresultThefew female game player to go in, then ,not far from the side but appeared wearing a dark red leather male game player !relationresultYou are Rose adventure group head phonology ? Xiao Hua looked at the face police cowardly sorceress ,smiled and asked .
relationresultI am ,what are you looking for ? Phonological nodded ,but no panic meaning, which is in the city ,she was not afraid to have any other act of violence .relationresultRhymeis a female game player ,but quietly to Xiao Hua using intraoperative identification ,see Xiao Hua ,changed face ,then phonological face is a variable ,it is received in this female game player news .
relationresultWell, to rhyme ,also know who I am ,then I will not nonsense ,phonological head ,I think you can put your hands that can query coordinate props to sell me ! Xiao Hua smiled ,come straight to the point of opening showed one .
relationresultDo you want to do? Phonological whitish face sank ,vigilance and asked .relationresultRest assured ,I know things before and phonological head and the rose .Adventure together and not big relations ,phonological head in a loner in an excellent reputation ,from get the props ,not even once used !This is used against us ,want to have no alternative against one ,I will not blame it on your head ,of course ,the premise is you will sell me the props .
As far as I know ,the props can only use one or two days ,you continue to hold in the hand are a waste of time ,I can do a favor at little cost to sell ,but also can earn money, now can not earn coins .
Xiao Hua smile ha road .relationresultI won sell I would sell .Phonology is without much thought ,refused Xiao Hua .relationresultSweat ,phonology ,now you think things off on the line .
If you hit me, I have the right to fight back ,but I prefer to find that behind the guy out ,and if they cannot find eighteen touch ,I had to find you ,after all, you are a group of people ,the target is relatively large ,I casually in four at the entrance of the city gate to gate ,high in one game player pay attention to you ,unless you do not return to a city not out of the town, otherwise I can always find you Xiao Hua headaches threatened, if possible, he really didn come up with this plan .
relationresultYou may come, we rose adventure group never afraid of you, when we received this task ,we are not going to push off trouble later .Sound the cold voice said .relationresultKhan,now the boron is really stubborn !relationresult,Miss phonology ,I give you something .
Xiao Hua is helpless, he just threatened it, really let him in a lot of boron background playing attacks ,it is too boring .relationresultChinawill adventurers armor and the phantom ring attribute to rhyme .
.. Show ,music ... See the two pieces of equipment .His face is not from a white !relationresultThere aretwo pieces of equipment ,plus the stealth, they have more than a dozen individuals ,can only watch helplessly as the name not to steal Renqi guy a slowly killed them !But from the prior actions, this person may have a more powerful means !relationresultHow, phonological Miss decide ?.
Xiao Hua is also quite helpless, dealing with women ,he is not good at ,only to take the most direct approach .Show equipment attribute ,PA :how two was a wise move .Do not get as far as he knows ,the name is sound and the mouth of flag mountain ,in the walker is extremely has the look ,just do not know what reason, can accept eighteen touch this asshole asshole assassination ,he was not too worried about phonology will leak out his equipment attribute .
relationresultI promise you ,but you can people know you got this thing from my hand ! Phonology and mind struggled for quite a while ,finally is Xiao Hua a faint smile on one looked on, yield .
relationresultDevil book page ,did not think there was this wonderful thing ! , relationresultXiao Hua hasleft the phonology ... They live on the child ,and his hands ,is more than a black pages .
relationresultDevil bookpage :Amazing pages ,rumored to be the devil a page out of a book ,has some magical curse abilities !The enemies of each word in the page write ,beats by dre solo,will be able to obtain a position where each other ,and the name of the owner in an hour Daguai drop rate will drop substantially ,but the magic only use three times a day ,and in the pages of the magic power of just above 3 remaining brush ,when the old edges !relationresultBefore thekite .
.. In the news .Xiao Hua learns that ,three of them sneak attack assassinated ,is an all female game player by composition loner group for adventure .This is known as Rose adventure adventure Union mission in exchange the adventure of a treasure chest ,and then from the box opened a query character props .
The news in a small range of loner privately circulated, kite ... Also in occasional under that ,and from those of rose adventure group compared with the familiar loner export the phonology .
.. The number one ,then ,is a little money Huahua Shaw ,people took him to rhyme ... The front door of the ambush rose .relationresultTonein the walker a good reputation ,Xiao Hua is not with them was mean ,but that can query coordinate props ,but he must hand ,decides to do ,there is no reason to give up halfway !He is now a man ,there is no drag, as long as the eighteen touch they can master to his location whenever and wherever possible ,even in the face of a whole guild ,he also be fearless !relationresultInthe absolute strength of intimidation, phonological boron or yield in Xiao Hua under the despotic power ,good will evil book page turn out ,of course ,this is also because this page can only use more than 30 .
Hours ,won reasons .relationresultThe devilbook page price ,phonological boron is honest, just close the Xiao Hua fifty thousand gold coins .relationresultSundryshop to buy a pen ,Xiao Hua hey smiled at the devil book page writes . Related articles:

